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- Karin Grahn
Karin Grahn
Senior Lecturer
Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport ScienceDirector of Studies
Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport ScienceAbout Karin Grahn
The interests of research are gender issues in sport, particularly questions about how gender is constructed within organized sport. Children, youth athletes and their coaches are at focus.
Karin is primarily teaching in the Sports Coaching program, but also in the Health promotion program and in Teacher education. Areas of teaching are pedagogics, sports coaching, gender issues as well as scientific theory and methodology.
Main teaching interests’ concerns sport from a social science perspective, organized sport, sports coaching, children's and youth sport as well as gender perspective.
Keywords: sport, gender, organized sports, children and youth sport, Sport coaching programs, sports coaching, leadership, discourse.
The Second Women's Olympic Games, Gothenburg,
Claes Annerstedt, Marie Annerstedt, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Karin Grahn
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sports higher education institutions. SUPPORTER Deliverable D2.1 for the European
Världsklassidrottares syn på det svenska
Astrid Schubring, Suzanne Lundvall, Karin Grahn
Svensk elitidrott vid ett vägskäl En analys av framtiden för det svenska elitidrottssystemet - 2024 -
School principals’ role in promoting physical activity for inactive children in school settings: An exploratory
Felicia Augustsson, Karin Grahn
Health Education Journal - 2024 -
Inclusive gender+ equality policy and practice in sport higher education institutions (SUPPORTER
Training materials and tools for institutional transformation (SUPPORTER
Kort energi kan ge kaos i hjärnan: ungdomar med adhd om mat och idrott – en kvalitativ
Aleksandra Oravsky Sandström, Karin Grahn, Andreas Fröberg, Christel Larsson
Svensk Förening för Beteende- och Samhällsvetenskaplig Idrottsforskning, Göteborg, Sverige 23-24 november 2023. - 2023 -
Experiences of school lunch and Physical education among adolescents with ADHD - a qualitative photo elicitation
Aleksandra Oravsky Sandström, Karin Grahn, Christel Larsson, Andreas Fröberg
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (conference Uppsala June 2023) - 2023 -
Supportive Communities: Conceptualizing Supportive Structures for Coaches' Learning and Well-Being in Community Youth
K. Hertting, Karin Grahn, S. Wagnsson
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2022 -
Vägar till världstoppen. En studie av svenska toppidrottares
Astrid Schubring, Karin Grahn, Pär Rylander, Suzanne Lundvall, Elin Bergström
2022 -
Organized physical activity through the eyes of children with ADHD and
Karin Grahn
Abstract book NERA/NFPF - 2022 -
Perceptions of Stress of Swedish Volunteer Youth Soccer
Krister Hertting, Stefan Wagnsson, Karin Grahn
Sports - 2020 -
Producing success: A critical analysis of athlete development governance in six
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Astrid Schubring, Outi Aarresola, Roslyn Kerr, Karin Grahn, Jenny McMahon
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics - 2018 -
Att skapa förutsättningar för ett genusmedvetet tränarskap i samtränad
Karin Grahn
Idrottsforskaren - 2018 -
Jämställdhet en förutsättning för idrottens
Karin Grahn
Idrottens samhällsnytta. En vetenskaplig översikt av idrottsrörelsens mervärden för individ och samhälle - 2017 -
Genusrelationer i samtränad fotboll
Gränser och utmaningar i ett
Karin Grahn
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum - 2017 -
Gender in physical
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Karin Grahn, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
2017 -
Shifting, crossing and transforming gender boundaries in physical
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Karin Grahn, Eva-Carin M Lindgren
Sport in Society - 2016 -
Problematic and non-performing girls: Discourses on gender, physical development, and
performance during
Karin Grahn
European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference: Sport in the City – Mobility, Urbanity and Social Change. Book of Abstract EASS - 2016 -
Centralising, Negotiating or Delegating? An International Comparison of Athlete Development
Astrid Schubring, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Outi Aarresola, Karin Grahn, Roslyn Kerr, Jennifer McMahon
ISSA 2016 Book of Abstracts - 2016 -
Negotiations of gender discourse: experiences of co-education in a Swedish sports initiative for
Karin Grahn, Viveka Berggren Torell
Sport in Society - 2016 -
Gendered body ideals in Swedish competitive youth swimming: negotiating and shifting symbolic
Karin Grahn
Sport in Society - 2016 -
Alternative discourses in the coaching of high performance youth sport: exploring language of
Karin Grahn
Sustainability in high performance sport: Current practices - future directions - 2015 -
Gendered ideals and sports coaching: Reflections on the male as 'the centre' of sports in relation to child
Karin Grahn
Men, Masculinities and Teaching in Early Childhood Education: International perspectives on gender and care - 2015 -
Interpretative repertoires of performance: Shaping gender in
Karin Grahn
Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum - 2015 -
Youth athletes, bodies, and gender: Gender constructions in textbooks used in coaching education programmes in
Karin Grahn
Sport, Education and Society - 2014 -
Lång och biffig men lätt och
Karin Grahn
Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning - 2014 -
Barndom och genus i Idrottslyftsprojekt på
Alternative discourses in the coaching of high performance youth sport: exploring language of
Karin Grahn
Reflective Practice - 2014 -
Tid en prestationsfaktor som skapar genus? Diskurser om prestation och kön hos tränare och
Karin Grahn
SVEBI konferensen, 20-21 november, Stockholm - 2013 -
Pedagogies, policies and practice in sport projects in
Karin Grahn
Conference Gender and Education, 22-26 april, London - 2013 -
Moving towards inclusion: An analysis of photographs from the 1926 Women's Games in
Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Karin Grahn, Claes Annerstedt
International Journal of the History of Sport - 2013 -
Idrottsledare i skolan. Reproduktion och utmaningar av traditionella
Karin Grahn
SVEBI-konferensen, 14-16 nov, Umeå - 2012 -
Sports coaches in school. Challenges and reproduction of gender
Karin Grahn
Conference Gender and Education, April 11-13, 2012, Gothenburg - 2012 -
Idrottens genuskonstruktörer. Tränares och aktivas skapande av genus i tal och
Karin Grahn
SVEBI konferensen, 14-16 nov, Umeå - 2012 -
Constructions of gender in relation to social and performance orientation in
Karin Grahn
Conference Gender and Education, 27th-30th April 2011, Exeter - 2011 -
Bodies, norms and gender in sport. Constructions in textbooks used in coaching education
Karin Grahn
XVII World Congress of Sociology, ISA, Gothenburg, 2010 - 2010 -
Flickor och pojkar i text och bild. Konstruktioner av genus i idrottens
Karin Grahn
Locus - 2010 -
Jämställdhet och manlig norm i fotbollens
Karin Grahn
Svensk Idrottsforskning : Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning - 2010 -
Att lära om flickor och pojkar -hur genus skapas i tränarutbildningens
Karin Grahn
Svensk idrottsforskning - 2009 -
Flickiga flickor och idrottspojkar -genuskonstruktioner i läromedel; en mix av problem och
Karin Grahn
Patriksson, G (red). Aktuell beteende- och samhällsvetenskaplig idrottsforskning. SVEBI:s Årsbok 2008 - 2008 -
Flickor och pojkar i idrottens läromedel. Konstruktioner av genus i
Karin Grahn
2008 -
Flickor och pojkar i text och bild: Konstruktioner av genus i idrottens
Karin Grahn
Idrottsforum.org - 2008 -
Flickor, pojkar och idrottare. Konstruktioner av genus i idrottens
Karin Grahn
SVEBI-konferens - 2007 -
What is written about girls and boys in textbooks for sport coaches
Karin Grahn
Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association - 2007 -
Idrottare och flickor. Genuskonstruktioner i idrottens
Karin Grahn
Patriksson, G. (red). Aktuell beteende- och samhällsvetenskaplig idrottsforskning. SVEBI:S Årsbok 2006 - 2006 -
Flickor och pojkar i idrottens utbildningsmaterial -sex idrotters läromedel för ungdomstränare sett ur ett
Karin Grahn
SVEBI-konferens - 2004 -
Hockey-boys, ice princesses, gender values & the practice of
Karin Grahn
Cardozo women´s law journal - 2003 -
Idrottsflickor och idrottspojkar i tränarutbildningens läromedel -texter, bilder och föreställningar sett ur ett
Karin Grahn
Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning. SVEBI:s Årsbok 2003. - 2003