
Katarzyna Wojnicka

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Katarzyna Wojnicka

Associate Professor of Sociology, Editor in-chief for NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies. She works at the Department of Sociology and Work Science and CERGU – Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg.

Fields of research: critical men and masculinities studies, gender studies, social movements' studies, migration studies, European studies


1. #SolidarityWithPolishWomen: Transnational Abortion Activism in Central Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region (2024-2027) funded by Foundation of Baltic and East European Studies

The goal of the project is to investigate the character and dynamics of transnational abortion activism, a phenomenon that can be identified in contemporary Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region. Transnational abortion mobilisation in the region has not yet been investigated, despite its theoretical and social significance, given the recent limitations of civil rights and health assistance for Polish women. Hence, the proposed research is the first study where this type of mobilisation is analysed from national, comparative, and transnational perspectives. The research will be conducted in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, and Sweden and will be supplemented by netnography and an investigation of the nature of global transnational abortion networks. The project utilizes a qualitative mixed-methods approach as individual interviews, observations (incl. shadowing) and netnography will be conducted. The theoretical framework consists of theories and concepts developed within gender studies and social movements studies, and the investigation is framed by an intersectional approach. The ambition is to contribute to the theoretical debates on transnational social movements. The results of the project will be published in scientific papers, an edited monograph, during scientific events and in the media. The project has clear societal relevance, providing knowledge on an under-researched social phenomenon, relevant to increasing the level of gender equality in the region.

PI: Katarzyna Wojnicka, Co-applicant: Eva Karlberg

2. European fathers' rights movements: gender (in)equality discourses and politics (2019-2024) funded by Swedish Research Council (VR)

The goal of this project is to conduct research on European fathers’ rights movements (FRMs), a particular facet of men’s social movements and their discourses on gender (in)equality as well as practices aimed at combating gender-based discrimination. Fathers’ rights groups exist in all EU countries and are the most recognizable and “powerful” phenomena among European men’s movements. However, to date, there has been a lack of sufficient research on these phenomena. Therefore, the aim of this research project is to fill the knowledge gap on European fathers’ rights movements by conducting a scientific investigation from national, comparative and transnational perspectives. The project draws on preliminary qualitative research on Polish, Swedish and British fathers' rights movements and will be enriched by new data gathered through several social research methods including quantitative and qualitative studies. Firstly, quantitative research, including groups mapping and internet-based surveys, will be conducted in all EU/EFTA states. Secondly, in-depth interviews will be conducted with movement activists from a) Germany and Spain and b) transnational organisations, and this data will then be analysed. The project will combine and contribute to the literature on social movements, critical men and masculinities studies and European studies. Aside from its theoretical, methodological and empirical significance, the project has significant societal relevance.

PI: Katarzyna Wojnicka

3. European queer memorials: from Homomonument to HBTQI memorial in Gothenburg (2023-2024) funded by Adlerbertska Foundation

This project studies the citizens' perceptions of the first Swedish queer monument, created by the artist Conny Carlsson Lundgrens, that will be installed in Gothenburg in 2023 and its connection to the broader European context. In order to do so, qualitative social research (interviews, observations and visual material collection) will be conducted in 16 European cities with the most prominent queer monuments, as well as in the city of Gothenburg, after its own memorial will be installed.

PI: Katarzyna Wojnicka

4. How did I end up here? Stories from migrant men (2023-2024) funded by Swedish Research Council (VR)

In recent years, Sweden has received large numbers of migrants and refugees and majority of them are men. This has caused significant public debates, as in the public eyes, the typical migrant is a young, single man and the growing number of male migrants has been one of most vivid concern of the European societies. Therefore, the main aim of the project is to strengthen communication of newest research findings to the public and increase the level of nuanced knowledge on masculinities, gender attitudes and living conditions of all male migrants in Sweden. The project aims to present the findings of the ongoing ethnographic research project on single migrant men in the EU entitled "Transnational bachelors. An ethnography about singleness among migrated men in the European Union" (VR 2018-01476). This will be done in order to combat stereotypes and misinformation regarding single migrant men living in Sweden. This will be done by following activities: project website maintenance, social media campaign, development of popular science blogposts and podcasts as well as organisation of a storytelling workshop and science theatre. Consequently, target groups are: Swedish general public, single migrant men that live in Sweden and relevant stakeholders.

PI: Ulf Mellström, Co-applicant: Katarzyna Wojnicka

Previous research projects:

Transnational bachelors. An ethnography of singledom among migrant men in the European Union (2019 - 2023) funded by Swedish Research Council (VR); PI: Ulf Mellström, Co-applicants: Andreas Henriksson, Katarzyna Wojnicka, Andrea Priori

Friendship, partnership and family. Normative ideas of young men and women with migration experience (2018-2020) funded by German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; PI: Magdalena Nowicka, Co-applicant: Katarzyna Wojnicka

Evaluation of European Perpetrator Programmes (2013-2014) funded by European Commission, Daphne III Programme; PI: Ralf Puchert, Co-applicants: Katarzyna Wojnicka, Heinrich Geldschläger, Christian Scambor, Marianne Hester, Rosa Logar, Thangam Debbonaire

Teaching and tutoring: Katarzyna has thought diverse courses on masculinities, gender, migration, social movements, European studies and qualitative research methods at the University of Gothenburg, Humboldt University of Berlin and Jagiellonian University in Poland. She supervises BA, MA and PhD theses focused on broadly understood abovementioned topics, with a special focus on qualitative research methodology.

Current teaching:

  • Applied Qualitative Research Methods – lecturer
  • Research Theories and Methods - lecturer
  • Local and Global Social Movements - lecturer
  • Applied qualitative Research Methods, problems and design - lecturer (CES)
  • Social Europe – course leader and lecturer (CES)
  • European Integration - lecturer (CES)
  • European Heritage and Identity - lecturer (CES)
  • Qualitative Methods in public health science - lecturer (Sahlsgrenska Academy)