
Kristina Berglund

Senior Lecturer

Department of Psychology
Visiting address
Haraldsgatan 1
41314 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 500
40530 Göteborg

About Kristina Berglund

Background and current work and management assignments

Doctor of Philosohy (PhD) 2009, Associate Professor in Psychology 2013. Works full-time as a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg. Is director of the resarch and education center CERA ( at the University of Gothenburg. Is also project manager for the interdisciplinary national research network NADAL (The Network for Research on Alcohol and Drug Prevention in Working Life).


I teach addiction psychology at undergraduate and advanced level and supervise students at bachelor's, master's and master's level. I also teach evaluation and quality assurance.

Research interests

To increase knowledge of how personality, developmental psychology and mental health interact with addiction development, treatment outcomes but also prevention. Another branch within my research area concerns the prevention of alcohol and drugs, in working life, both primary and secondary prevention. Risky use, harmful use and addiction is a bio-psychosocial problem where, in addition to the psychological, biological and social factors, also organization, finance, management and knowledge management create the conditions for prevention, care, support and treatment. Therefore, part of my research is to both develop interdisciplinary research and to conduct interdisciplinary research in the area of ​​use, risky use, harmful use and addiction to alcohol, drugs and gambling.

Current research

Alcohol prevention in working life (2023 - 2025) - an interdisciplinary project with the Sahlgrenska Academy, the School of Economics and the Faculty of Humanities.

Alcohol prevention in working life – how can we learn from the good examples? (2023 - 2025) Interdisciplinary research project Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, Gothenburg University.

Craving in different populations with gambling problems, a collaboration with Professor Anders Håkansson at Lund University starts in 2023 - 2025.

Drug use in substance dependent people (2023 - 2024) Interdisciplinary project with Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet, Gothenburg University.

Long-term follow-up via registries (15-year follow-up) on morbidity and mortality in alcohol-dependent persons with special focus on cancer-related diseases. (2023) This project is done, among other things, with cancer researcher Kerstin H Rauwolf, Germany

Parenting and alcohol consumption (2023) where we study how parents' attitudes and offering alcohol to their children influence alcohol consumption and alcohol problems. The study is prospective.

Selected publications

Bok (monografi):

Alborn, S-E, Berglund K, Boson K, Gerdner, A. (2023). Utredning, stöd och behandling vid alkohol- och narkotikaproblem [Choosing a path: Assessment, support and treatment for alcohol and substance use problems] Studentlitteratur.

Urval av peer-review granskade vetenskapliga artiklar:

Berglund K., Boson K., Wennberg P. & Gerdner, A. (2022). Impacts of alcohol consumption by mothers and fathers, parental monitoring, adolescent disclosure and novelty-seeking behavior on the likelihood of alcohol use and inebriation among adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 2022, 27:1, 582-596

Wilson Martinez, M., Berglund, K., Hensing, G., & Sundqvist, K. (2022). Swedish Managers’ and HR-Officers’ Experiences and Perceptions of Participating in Alcohol Prevention Skills Training: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers In Psychology, 2022, Vol. 13

Schückher, F., Berglund, K., Engström, I., & Sellin, T. (2022). Predictors for Abstinence in Socially Stable Women Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 40(2), 244-257.

Berglund, K. (2020). Commentary on Witkiewitz et al. (2020): WHO risk drinking classification system is promising in clinical trials, but needs to be tested in other patient groups. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 115(9), 1681-1682.

Berglund K, Rauwolf KK, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2019) Outcome in relation to drinking goals in alcohol-dependent individuals: a follow-up study 2.5 and 5 years after treatment entry. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54, 439 – 445.

Boson K, Wennberg P, Fahlke C Berglund K (2019) Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns Addictive Behaviors 95, 152 – 159.

Schuckher F, Sellin T, Engström I, Berglund K (2019) History of childhood abuse is associated with less positive treatment outcomes in socially table women with alcohol use disorder. BMC women´s health, 19,

Balldin J, Berglund K, Berggren U Wennberg P, Fahlke C (2018) Taq1A1 allele of the DRD2 gene region contribute to shorter survival time in alcohol-dependent individuals when controlling for the influence of age and gender. A follow-up study of 18 years. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53, 216 – 220.

Rauwolf KK, Berglund K, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2017) The Influence of Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco on the Progression, Severity and Treatment Outcome in Alcohol-Dependent Individuals. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52, 477-482.

Berglund K, Svensson I, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2016) Is There a Need for Congruent Treatment Goals Between Alcohol-Dependent Patients and Caregivers? Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 874-879.