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- Lewis Webb
Lewis Webb
Department of Historical StudiesAbout Lewis Webb
Academic Background
I am an Associate Professor in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Gothenburg.
I received a BMedSci in Neurology and Physiology (2009) from Flinders University, a BA (Hons) in Classical Studies and Psychology (2011) and an MPhil in Classical Studies (2014) from the University of Adelaide, and a PhD in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (2019) from the University of Gothenburg. My PhD thesis examined competitions for status among senatorial women in Mid-Republican Rome with a focus on competitive domains, resources, and regulation.
Research Interests
I am a Roman historian with experience in archaeological fieldwork in Greece and Italy, and training in ancient languages and epigraphy. My main research foci are:
- The histories and voices of women in ancient Rome,
- Civic religion and crisis management in the Roman Republic, and
- The interactions between Romans, non-Romans, and landscapes in ancient Etruria and Thessaly.
In all three areas, I am interested in diversifying historical narratives, recovering the voices of the marginalized, and using interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives to break new ground.
My current research project is entitled 'Crisis rituals: Civic religion and crisis management in the Roman Republic' and is funded by the Swedish Research Council. This project investigates the interactions between, and transformative effects of, community crises and the official religious responses of male and female leaders in Republican Rome.
My recent postdoctoral research project was entitled ‘(In)visible women: Female spatial practices and visibility in urban spaces in Republican Rome (509–27 BCE)’ and was funded by the Swedish Research Council (2020–2022). This project aimed to challenge and resolve some ancient and contemporary misconceptions about women in Republican Rome, especially their purported invisibility and association with domestic spaces and practices.
Additionally, I am a researcher within two archaeological projects in Italy and Greece, namely the Swedish research project Understanding Urban Identities from the Bronze Age to the Roman time: The case of Vulci in the context of southern Etruria in Viterbo, Italy, which is investigating the ancient city of Vulci, and the Greek-Swedish Palamas Archaeological Project in the municipality of Palamas, Greece, which is investigating the ancient cities at Vlochos and Metamorfosi.
I am also a series editor for the book series Women in Ancient Cultures for Liverpool University Press: https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/topic/book-series/women-in-ancient-cultures
Crisis rituals: Civic religion and crisis management in Republican Rome
How do leaders manage community crises? Which roles might religion play in crisis management? This project's purpose is to investigate the interactions between, and transformative effects of, community crises and the official religious responses of political and religious leaders in Republican Rome (509–27 BCE), a city characterized by crises, wherein civic religion was a focal point for crisis management. Previous studies seldom treat civic religion as crisis management, or include women, and scholarship on crisis and religion is rarely in dialogue. This project aims at a) investigating and systematizing the official religious responses of male and female leaders to community crises; b) investigating and outlining how crises and leaders' religious responses physically and religiously transformed Rome; and c) broadening our knowledge of Roman leaders' crisis management strategies and religion's roles therein. This project will generate a more comprehensive and integrated image of crisis management in Republican Rome, encourage reflection on the entanglement of religion and politics, and offer a lens on leaders’ responses to contemporary crises.
(In)visible women: Female spatial practices and visibility in urban spaces in Republican Rome (509–27 BCE)
A woman’s place was at home in Republican Rome (509–27 BCE). To appear in public was ‘abnormal’ or ‘transgressive’. Such is the status quo in the traditional scholarship. This project will challenge this status quo by comprehensively examining and visualizing all the available ancient evidence for female spatial practices and visibility in urban spaces in Republican Rome. To do so it will adopt an interdisciplinary, intersectional approach, combining Roman Republican history, spatial history, and gender history with intersectional feminist theory, a spatial database, and digital mapping. Traditional scholarship links women in Rome with private spaces and practices, but recent scholarship highlights their public lives and practices. So how (in)visible were they? The project aims to challenge and resolve misconceptions about these women and to shed light on their lives. This novel project will expand our knowledge of women’s lives, enhance the visibility of past women, and offer an interdisciplinary model for reconsidering female spatial practices and visibility in other periods and cultures.
Lewis Webb
Oxford Classical Dictionary - 2024 -
Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean
Greg Gilles, Karolina Frank, Christine Plastow, Lewis Webb
2024 -
Karolina Frank, Greg Gilles, Christine Plastow, Lewis Webb
Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World / Greg Giles, Karolina Frank, Christine Plastow and Lewis Webb (eds.) - 2024 -
Cives Romanae embodied: Ordo matronarum and female citizenship in Republican
Lewis Webb
Cives Romanae. Roman Women as Citizens during the Republic / Cristina Rosillo-López and Silvia Lacorte (eds.) - 2024 -
Spectatissima Femina: Female Visibility and Religion in Urban Spaces in Republican
Lewis Webb
American Journal of Philology - 2024 -
Women, wealth and power in the Roman
Lewis Webb
Omnibus - 2024 -
Brenda Longfellow and Molly Swetnam-Burland (eds.), Women's lives, women's voices : Roman material culture and female agency in the Bay of Naples. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2021. Pp. 408, illus. isbn 9781477323588.
Lewis Webb
Journal of Roman Studies - 2023 -
Gender in ancient Rome: New directions and
L Brännstedt, Lewis Webb
Opuscula: Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome - 2023 -
The Palamas Archaeological Project. A preliminary report of the 2022 fieldwork conducted by the ongoing Greek–Swedish archaeological field programme in Palamas, region of Karditsa,
Maria Vaïopoulou, Robin Rönnlund, Fotini Tsiouka, Johan Klange, Derek Pitman, Richard Potter, Ian Randall, Harry Manley, Elisabet Schager, Sotiria Dandou, Lewis Webb
Opuscula: The annual of the Swedish institutes at Athens and Rome - 2023 -
Roman and Early Byzantine evidence from the area of Palamas. A preliminary report of the ongoing Greek-Swedish archaeological work in the region of Karditsa,
Maria Vaïopoulou, Robin Rönnlund, Fotini Tsiouka, Johan Klange, Derek Pitman, Richard Potter, Sotiria Dandou, Lawrence Shaw, Lewis Webb, Stelios Ieremias, Ian Randall, Harry Manley
Opuscula Atheniensia : Annual of the Swedish Institute at Athens - 2022 -
Gendering the Roman Triumph: Elite women and the Triumph in the Republic and Early
Lewis Webb, Lovisa Brännstedt
Gendering Roman Imperialism - 2022 -
Female Interventions in Politics in the libera res publica: Structures and
Lewis Webb
Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome / Roman M. Frolov and Christopher Burden-Strevens (eds.) - 2022 -
Impoverished Senatorial Women in Mid-Republican Rome: Opima Gloria and Felix
Lewis Webb
Poverty in Ancient Greece and Rome: Realities and Discourses / edited by Filippo Carlà-Uhink, Lucia Cecchet, and Carlos Machado. - 2022 -
Exaequatio and aemulatio: Regulation of Elite Female Status Competition in Mid-Republican
Lewis Webb
Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern Societies / edited by Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb - 2022 -
Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb
Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern Societies / edited by Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb - 2022 -
(Re)presentations — Reflections and Concluding
Lewis Webb
Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern Societies / edited by Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb - 2022 -
(Re)presentations —
Lewis Webb
Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern Societies / / edited by Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb. - 2022 -
Gender and Status Competition in Pre-Modern
Martha Bayless, Jonas Liliequist, Lewis Webb
2022 -
History and Archaeology at Vulci: Old Evidence and New Data from a Geophysical Investigation in the Urban
Serena Sabatini, Kristian Göransson, Anna Gustavsson, Stephen Kay, Elena Pomar, Irene Selsvold, Lewis Webb
Bollettino di Archeologia - 2021 -
Lewis Webb
Oxford Classical Dictionary - 2021 -
Women and politics in late republican Rome - (F.) Rohr Vio Le custodi del potere. Donne e politica alla fine della repubblica Romana. (Piccoli saggi 66.) Pp. 268. Rome: Salerno Editrice, 2019. Paper, €22. ISBN:
Lewis Webb
Classical Review - 2020 -
Beyond the Romans: Posthuman Perspectives in Roman
Irene Selsvold, Lewis Webb
2020 -
Introduction: Posthuman Perspectives in Roman
Lewis Webb, Irene Selsvold
Irene Selsvold and Lewis Webb (eds.) Beyond The Romans: Posthuman Perspectives in Roman Archaeology - 2020 -
The Romans and the Anthropocene: Posthuman
Irene Selsvold, Lewis Webb
Irene Selsvold and Lewis Webb (eds.) Beyond the Romans: Posthuman Perspectives in Roman Archaeology - 2020 -
Gloria muliebris: Elite female status competition in Mid-Republican
Lewis Webb
2019 -
Qui hic mos est in publicum procurrendi? Reconsidering female presence and visibility in public and sacred spaces in Republican
Lewis Webb
Spaces of Roman Constitutionalism Conference, 26.-28.9.2019, Helsinki, Finland - 2019 -
Leges durae: Regulations affecting women’s property rights in Mid-Republican
Lewis Webb
Australasian Society of Classical Studies Annual Conference, Armidale, NSW, Australia, 4-7 February 2019. - 2019 -
Mihi es aemula: Elite Female Status Competition in Mid-Republican Rome and the Example of Tertia
Lewis Webb
Eris vs. Aemulatio: Valuing Competition in Classical Antiquity / Damon, Cynthia, Pieper, Christoph (eds.) - 2018 -
Gendering the Roman
Lewis Webb
Classical Association Annual Conference, 6 - 9 April 2018, University of Leicester - 2018 -
Religious Leadership, Ancient Roman
Lewis Webb
Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions: Faith and Culture across History / Susan de-Gaia, Editor - 2018 -
Inter imperium sine fine: Thule and Hyperborea in Roman
Lewis Webb
Visions of North in Premodern Europe - 2018 -
Gendering the Roman imago: Clarae imagines from filia to
Lewis Webb
ARACHNE VIII: Ages, Ageing and Old Age in the Greco-Roman World Conference, 25-27 October 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2017 -
Gendering the imago: Clarae imagines from filia to
Lewis Webb
International Society for Cultural History Annual Conference - 2017 -
Lewis Webb
Classical Review - 2017 -
Lewis Webb
Classical Review - 2017 -
Gendering the Roman
Lewis Webb
Eugesta - 2017 -
Semiviri vates: Visions of early Roman encounters with the
Lewis Webb
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference - 2016 -
Pompa matrum: Elite women and the pompa for Magna Mater in 204
Lewis Webb
Classical Association Annual Conference - 2016 -
Matronae imperiosae: The imperiality of Aemilia Paulla and Livia
Lewis Webb
Gendering Roman Imperialism Workshop - 2016 -
Mihi es aemula: Female status competition in the Roman
Lewis Webb
Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values IX (Eris vs. Aemulatio: Competition in Classical Antiquity) - 2016 -
Lewis Webb
Classical Review - 2016 -
Volitans Victoria: Elite women and the advent of the Magna Mater (204
Lewis Webb
Gender and Status Competition in Premodern Societies Workshop - 2015 -
Shame transfigured: Slut-shaming from Rome to
Lewis Webb
First Monday - 2015 -
Sexual virtue exposed: ‘Slut-shaming’ in cyberspace and on the streets of Ancient
Lewis Webb
Digital Gender: Theory, Methodology and Practice Workshop - 2014 -
Northern Desire: Thule and Hyperborea in Greco-Roman
Lewis Webb
Northern Visions Workshop - 2014 -
Challenging Androcentric Ambitio: Female Status Competition in the Roman
Lewis Webb
g14 National Gender Conference - 2014 -
‘I’m your Venus, I’m your fire’: the religious prominence of female virtue in the Second Punic
Lewis Webb
Subversion and Censorship from Plato to Wikileaks Conference - 2013