
Lina Rasmusson


Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7 B
41390 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 463
40530 Göteborg

About Lina Rasmusson

I am a marine plant physiologist with previous main focus on how seagrass and other marine macrophytes respire and photosynthesise. I also looked into the mechanisms behind calcification within calcareous macroalgae. Most of my research focus on how these processes are affected by changes in the surrounding environment, but also how these marine plants can alter the conditions of coastal ecosystems with their carbon dioxide- and oxygen consumption and emissions. I have mostly worked with different oxygen-exchange techniques, but also with PAM fluorometry, alkalinity measurements and gene expression analyzes. My research has been conducted both in field and in laboratories mainly in temperate areas on the Swedish west coast and in Denmark but also in the Mediterranean, East Africa and Australia.

Now my full focus is aimed at red calcareous algae. My previous three-year post-doc project, funded by a FORMAS mobility grant for young researchers, was about calibrating, evaluating and developing the methodology Algochronology on Arctic algae. This methodology utilize the capacity of long-lived calcifying red algae as historical climate archives. These algae deposit calcium carbonate in annual growth bands, similar to the growth patterns of tree-rings, and within these bands they can incorporate various isotopes and elements differently depending on changes in the marine environment. By extracting material from these layers, detailed reconstructions can be made on how climate-related factors have changed on a yearly basis.

My ongoing project "Fantastic maerl and where to find them" is also funded by FORMAS, now as an establishing grant for young researchers. For four years, me and my collaborators will map occurrences, ecosystem services and environmental impact of maerl beds. These ecosystems, made up of loose calcareous algae, are relatively unknown in Swedish waters, something that we plan to change. I am also involved in a research project in Ikkafjorden in Greenland where my main task is to investigate the state of the calcareous algae and the biodiversity of the majestic ikaite pillars found below the surface in this unique fjord.
