
Linda Svanberg

Research Engineer

Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences
Visiting address
Kristineberg 566
45178 Fiskebäckskil
Postal address
Kristineberg 566
45178 Fiskebäckskil

About Linda Svanberg

Research Engineer

Work duties

Purchasing coordinator for BioEnv, contact person for the department in issues regarding purchasing and procurement. Contact person at Kristineberg for BioEnv. I help introduce staff and students to labs and instruments and inventory chemicals in the KLARA system.

I also work as research technician in different projects. I work in a plankton monitoring program where I measure primary production and identify zooplankton. I also work in different projects connected to SWEMARC where I help run experiments and cultures. The focus right now is on lobsters and sea cucumbers, and sustainable aquaculture with said species.


Member of the department council

Safety delegate, representing the employees in the work on work environment.