
Lotte Schack

Doctoral Student

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Lotte Schack

Lotte Schack has been a doctoral student in sociology since August 2020. She holds a B.Sc and an M.Sc in Social Anthropology from the University of Copenhagen. In her master thesis Our solidarity against your bureaucracy, she examined the role of care and knowledge practices in activist responses to state-sanctioned precarity in Berlin in the wake of neoliberal labour market reforms.

In Lotte's doctoral research, she aims to understand how the Swedish climate movement arrives at specific strategies and visions for a fossil free future through ethnographic fieldwork with Swedish climate activists. She is especially interested in how notions of responsibility and justice plays into these processes, and what consequences this has for the formation of specific political subjects.

The research is part of the project The necessary and the possible: How social movements articulate, convey and negotiate visions of a fossil free and just future (Formas 2019-01961) together with Joost de Moor (Sciences Po), Katrin Uba (Uppsala University), Magnus Wennerhag (Södertörns Högskola) and Mattias Wahlström (GU).

Lotte's research interests include social movements, precarity, the climate crisis, feminist and Marxist theory, and ethnographic methods. She is currently working as an editor on a Swedish anthology on contemporary Marxist theory planned to be published with Daidalos during 2025.

Lotte teaches on a variety of courses on the bachelor level in sociology. She has also held guest lectures at other universities. In addition, she supervises bachelor theses and welcomes supervision requests on topics related to her research interests.