
Madeleine Prutzer

Project Manager

Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 f
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 260
40530 Göteborg

About Madeleine Prutzer

Research areas

Main research areas: Environmental communication and nature resources connected to management and cooperation/participation based on a widened landscape perspective including interactive nature and culture. This management is not always functioning in a simple way and often includes interest conflicts. The actual work to handle those conflicts constitutes a central part in the research. The focus has mainly been water and management of wild animals. The other current research field is about risk communication, and the understanding and attitude towards risks in the society.

Former research areas: Rural development, animal welfare, land issues and public health connected to culture and environment.

Present research

Democratic participation in the carnivore management: A comparing study of policy and institution, leadership and local society in four countries. Vetenskapsrådet. (2015-) Department of Political Science, Umeå University and School of global Studies/Gothenburg Research Institute, the University of Gothenburg. During the latest decades the large carnivore have increased, which has given rise to increased problems with coexistence between human and animals in areas with reindeer breading, farming and forestry. To solve the problems different government paths have been implemented. This study investigate and compare the carnivore management in four countries; Sweden, Norway, Finland and Michigan in USA.

Governance of transboundary risk: The Göta älv water system. Formas. (2014-) Department of Sociology and Work Science, Department of Political Science and School of Global Studies/Gothenburg Research Institute, the University of Gothenburg. In the study the risk handling in the area of the Göta älv water drainage system is examined from three perspectives; adjustment and risk handling; municipal planning; risk and safety in seven municipality using Göta älv as source water.

Collaboration and participation in water oranisations and water management. Commissioned by the Swedish agency for Marine and Water Management. (2015-2016). Department of Sociology and Work Science, the University of Gothenburg. A literature based study to found a picture about the state of the knowledge about participation and collaboration in the water arisen by the Water directive.

Conflict mitigation and reconciliation action for pilot projects of integrated and cooperative resource management. Formas. (2014-2015) Faculty of engineering, Lund, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg, University of Lund, University of Gothenburg. The project identified risks with focus on climate change and expected rise of the sea-level as well as developed and tested methods to support the administration and planning around collaboration concerning risks. Field work in Ystad municipality.

My PhD thesis has an environment communication perspective founded on a human ecological and social anthropological perspective. The thesis work has partly been financed by Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin. The focus for the thesis study is a collaboration project located at Säveåns water drainage area in the Region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. It’s driven by the museum organisation Västarvet (nature and culture sectors), Region (Culture Secretariat) and County Administrative Board (nature- and culture sectors) and is aimed towards citizens.

Former research areas: Rural development, animal welfare, land issues and public health connected to culture and environment.

Welfare Quality, EU-financed research project (2004-2007). The project integrates the welfare of the animals in the food chain. In this project we interviewed 180 farmers (specialised in poultry, pig and cattle) about their view of the animal welfare in Sweden. The Swedish part was compared with four other European countries (Italy, France, France, the Netherlands and Norway) which was part of this sub-study.

Indirect stakeholders in the fishing sector, applied research on the organisation Västerhavet, at the request of the Nordic Ministerial Council (2004). Interviewed twelve indirect stakeholders on a regional and municipality level as well as businesses, about their views on fishing, the actors in fishing, the future of fishing and their views on the participation in the decision making regarding fishing management.

Lecturing and Supervising

I lecture at basic and advanced level about the management of our landscape in a broad sense, including both the nature and cultural heritage, and it’s nature resources; collaboration and participation in the management of the landscape and the conflict of interests it can result in; culture and nature heritage connected to modernity; human rights connected to sustainable development and health; and sustainable development associated with health.

  • Culture heritage studies,
  • uvarnde rser gästföreläser jag.svarig för delkursen M bachelor program (Course coordinator for the module The culture heritage’s management and regulations as well as guest lecturer on other modules.
  • Master’s programme in Human Rights (guest lecturer in the core course Theory and concepts).
  • Master's Programme in Social Work and Human Rights (guest lecturer in the core course Human Rights & Social Work).
  • Human ecology – autumn and spring term package (guest lecturer in the core course subjects human ecology, freestanding course and the profile subject human ecology in Social Science Environmental Programme From local nature resources to global consumption as well as Environmental movements and politics)
  • The freestanding course Nature, Culture, Health and rhythm of life (guest lecturer)


  • The spring term package in Human ecology (responsible for the core course in the subject human ecology, free standing course in Human Ecology, and the profile subject in Social Science Environmental programme Sustainable development – History and the present context) Public health programme (responsible for the course Environment, society and health)
  • Bachelor programme Global Studies (guest lecturer at the core course Global challenges)
  • Human ecology – summer course (guest lecturer at the core course From local nature resources to global consumption)
  • Etc.

I have supervised bachelor and master students in the subjects Human Ecology and Global Studies and at Social Science Environmental program. I have also been a field course supervisor in India, which means that I have been supervising in the field placed in the tribal area in rural Rajasthan.


On other web sites

Research areas

  • Main research areas: Environmental communication and nature resources connected to management and cooperation/participation based on a widened landscape perspective including interactive nature and culture. This management is not always functioning in a simple way and often includes interest conflicts. The actual work to handle those conflicts constitutes a central part in the research. The focus has mainly been water and management of wild animals. The other current research field is about risk communication, and the understanding and attitude towards risks in the society. Former research areas: Rural development, animal welfare, land issues and public health connected to culture and environment.

Teaching areas

  • I lecture at basic and advanced level about the management of our landscape in a broad sense, including both the nature and cultural heritage, and it’s nature resources; collaboration and participation in the management of the landscape and the conflict of interests it can result in; culture and nature heritage connected to modernity; human rights connected to sustainable development and health; and sustainable development associated with health.