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- Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Doctoral Student
Department of Education, Communication and Learning-
“Sweden – ECEC Workforce Profile.” In Early childhood workforce profiles across Europe. 33 country reports with key contextual data, edited by P. Oberhuemer and I.
“Sweden – Key contextual data.” In Early childhood workforce profiles across Europe. 33 country reports with key contextual data, edited by P. Oberhuemer and I.
Inge Schreyer, Pamela Oberhuemer, Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
2024 -
Quality early childhood education for all
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2022 -
Challenges and Dilemmas With Play-Based Pedagogy in Swedish Early Childhood
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
In E. Loizou & J. Trawick-Smith (Eds.), Teacher education and play pedagogy: International perspectives. - 2022 -
A Competent Workforce. Reflections on Shifts and Transformations in Swedish Early Childhood Teacher
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Susanne Garvis
In: Boyd W., Garvis S. (eds) International Perspectives on Early Childhood Teacher Education in the 21st Century. - 2021 -
Quality education in the flexible preschool. Implications for children and teachers with large work teams, large groups of children and open space
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
International Research in Early Childhood Education - 2020 -
Early childhood educators' voices in shifting currcular policies and
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Valerie Sollars
Abstract book EECERA 29th conference, 20th-23rd August 2019, Thessaloniki - 2019 -
Educating young children: scripted instructions for measuring outcomes vs learning opportunities for
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2017 -
Early childhood teacher’s professional experiences: Narratives from different
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Abstract book. EECERA 27th conference Bologna, Italy - 2017 -
Sweden – ECEC Workforce
Um sistema unificado que integra acolhimento e
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Pátio Educação Infantil - 2017 -
Working with young children in Sweden: a country profile
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Book of Abstracts. EECERA Conference Dublin 2016 - 2016 -
Shaping a global community of student learners in early childhood
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Susanne Garvis
Nordic Educational Research Conference 2016 Helsinki 44th Congress - 2016 -
Learning across cultures: insights from international students. Paper presented at the 25th EECERA conference
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Susanne Garvis
http://www.eecera.org/documents/pdf/conferences/conference-programme-barcelona-2015.pdf. - 2015 -
Play and learning in early childhood education in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art - 2015 -
Bridging ‘the gap’ – linking workplace-based and university-based learning in preschool teacher education in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Early years - 2015 -
Entwicklung der frühpädagogischen Ausbildung in Schweden: von einer soziapolitischen zur bildungspolitischen Herausforderung [Developments in preschool teacher education in Sweden: from a socio-political to an educational
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
In Frühpädagogische Ausbildungen international. Reformen und Entwicklungen im Blickpunkt, edited by W.E. Fthenakis - 2014 -
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Oberhuemer, P. Ausgewählte Konzepte der fachpraktischen Ausbildung in Europa. Impulse für Deutschland? - 2014 -
Att stödja inkludering och samarbete för
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
I.Pramling, C, Wallerstedt & N.Pramling (red.) Man ser inte gruppen för alla barn - individer grupper och kommunikativa möten i förskolan. - 2014 -
Constructions of Play and
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Us we and them- Abstract book. 24th EECERA conference, Crete 7th-10th September, 2014 - 2014 -
Konstruktioner af leg og
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Laering i daginstitutioner - et erobringsforsög - 2014 -
Accueil et éducation de la petite enfance en Suède, premier pas dans un système éducatif
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Métiers de la Petite Enfance - 2013 -
Memories and Images of
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
EECERA Conference Tallinn 1- 3 September 2013 - 2013 -
Continuing professional development (CPD) in a context of reform-driven ECEC strategies: The case of
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Book of abstracts. EECERA 22nd conference August 29-September 2, 2012. Oporto, Portugal - 2012 -
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Fort- und Weiterbildung fruhpädagogischer Fachkräfte im europeischer Vergleich - 2012 -
Maths and wellbeing - facing dilemmas and changing conditions in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Book of abstracts. NERA conference, March 2010. Malmö - 2010 -
"Times they are a changing" - facing dilemmas and coping with top down educational change in ece
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Book of abstracts. EECERA 20th annual conference, August-September 2010. Birmingham - 2010 -
La démocratie, base de la qualité préscholaire en
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
REVUE INTERNATIONALE D'ÉDUCATION SÉVRES. DOSSIER qualité, équité et diversité dans le préscholaire - 2010 -
Early childhood practitioners´construction of their professional
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Book of abstracts. Eecera 19th annual conference August-September 2009, Strasbourg - 2009 -
L'éducation de la petite enfance en
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
EJE Journal Le journal des éducateurs de jeunes enfants - 2009 -
Early Childhood Education in Sweden - Quality Issues and Concerns in Policies and
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
In J. König, Oerthel, Ch., Puch, H.-J. (Eds) In Soziales investieren. Mehr Werte schaffen. ConSozial 2007 - 2008 -
Narrative Backgrounds for the Case
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Kutnick, P., Genta, M.L., Brighi, A., Sansivini, A. (Eds.) Relational Approaches in EARLY EDUCATION. Enhancing Social Inclusion and Personal Growth for Learning - 2008 -
Developing Children's Relations, Interactions and Peer Learning in Early Childhood Settings in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Monica Löfqvist
I Kutnick, P., Genta, M.L., Brighi, A., Sansivini, A. (Eds) Relational Approaches in EARLY EDUCATION Enhancing Social Inclusion and Personal Growth for Learning - 2008 -
Analysera mera - handledare om
Agneta Hult, Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
I P. Emsheimer & Lindh, A. (red.), Från syfte till gestaltning: på väg mot vetenskaplighet i examensarbetet inom Särskild lärarutbildning - 2007 -
Early Childhood Teacher Education in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
In R. S. New & Cochran, M. (Eds.), Early Childhood Education - An International Encyclopedia - 2007 -
The role and practice of interpersonal relationships in European early education settings: sites for enhancing social inclusion, personal growth and
Peter Kutnick, Antonella Brighi, Sofia Avgitidou, Maria Luisa Genta, Maritta Hännikäinen, Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Rosario Ortega Ruiz, Erja Rautamies, Jennifer Colwell, Eleni Tsalagiorgou, Chiara Mazzanti, Sandra Nicoletti, Alessandra Sansavini, Annalisa Guarini, Eva Romera, Claire Monks, Monica Löfqvist
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2005 -
New Developments in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
European Early Childhood Education Research - 2005 -
Narratives of Early
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2004 -
The fading of a teaching profession? Reforms of early childhood teacher education in
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Early Years: an international journal of research and development - 2004 -
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
ΤΟ ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΟ ΝΗΠΙΑΓΩΓΕΙΟ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΕ 12 ΑΛΛΕΣ ΧΩΡΕΣ [Full-day kindergarten i Greece and 12 other countries] - 2003 -
Curricula for Early Childhood Education - Mirroring play, care and learning in cultural
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Researching Early Childhood - 2003 -
Is it possible to integrate Care, Play and Learning in Early Childhood
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Researching Early Childhood - 2003 -
Les cadres pédagogiqus de la petite enfance en Europe: une comparaision entre Malte, la Norvège, l'Ecosse et la
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander, Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
Politiques d'Éducation et de formation. Les politiques éducatives de la petite enfance - 2003 -
Early Childhood Education and Care in Sweden: Curricula, Policies and
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Valerie Sollars: Curricula, Policies & Practices in Early Childhood Education - 2002 -
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal - 2002 -
Social kompetens hos barn under de första skolåren. FAST-projektet nr
Maelis Karlsson Lohmander
Rapporter från institutionen för pedagogik - 1993