
Malgorzata Erikson

Senior Lecturer

School of Public Administration
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 712
40530 Göteborg

About Malgorzata Erikson

Background After first-cycle courses in the Public Administration Program, I started a research career at Kommunforskning i Västsverige (KFi) where, among other things, I assessed health care reforms. In 1999, I obtained my licentiate degree and in 2004, I obtained my Doctorate degree in Public Administration and 2021 Associate Professor.

Since the 1990s, I have been active as a lecturer at the School of Public Administration and I became a Senior Lecturer in 2007. At the same time, I also became Director of Studies. As Director of Studies, I work with pedagogic leadership and development, and I have the administrative responsibility for our first-cycle courses. For a time, I also stood in as a study councillor. Research Early research can be described as municipal research with a focus on municipal politicians as leaders and on their significance for the municipalities they govern. The latter research can be labeled as research of state-led activities with a focus on higher education, where a common theme is how governance at European and national level affects the activities conducted within the national higher education. I have been a member of Forskargruppen för studier styrning och ledning i skolan (FOFOS) since 2020. Teaching During my time as a lecturer, I have taught in many areas, including evaluation, qualitative methods, organisation theory and leadership, governance of preschool, digitization in public administration. From 2022, I will be responsible for the internship course in the master's program.