
Mats Andren


Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
412 55 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
405 30 Göteborg

About Mats Andren

Mats Andrén, b. 1958, diss. 1990, reader 1993. Senior lecturer at Södertörn University College 1999 and at University of Gothenburg 2003. Professor in the History of Ideas and Science since 2005. Affiliated to the Centre for Public Sector Research (CEFOS) 2000-2010 and to the Centre of European Research at Gothenburg University (CERGU since 2000, Director 2009-2011, Steering Group Chairman 2012-2015. Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Arts 2011-2016.

Previous research on the history of economic ideas, on Central Europa, on citizenship, on local self-government. Several puböications on nuclear waste management in relation to ethics and legitinacy. Lately research on the history of the idea of Europe. Andrén has published eight monographs, edited twelve anthologies and five special issues. Teaches and supervises in the history of ideas and at the European studies programmes.

Current research

1. The history of the idea of Europe. Research with approaches from conceptual history and transnational history on historical and present uses of the idea of Europe. The monography Thinking Europe (1923) examines how the concept of Europe has been entangled in a dynamic and dramatic tension between calls for unity and arguments for borders and divisions. The book interrogates the concept of integration and more recent debates surrounding European identity across the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the post-war period. Editor of special issues in European Review, History of European Ideas and Global Intellectual History. Presently developing a research application and a special issue on the 'Europe from the margin'.

2. The idea of global responsibility. Initiating research on the concept of world/global responsibility from 1945 to the present, Andrén has published a few articles and is developing a research application.

Recent publications

(2023) Thinking Europe: A History of the European Idea since 1800. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Available OA:

(2022) Andrén and van Eijnatten, 'European Union and the Nation State, in Pasi Ihalainen and Antero Holmila (eds) Nationalism and Internationalism Intertwined: A European History of Concepts Beyond the Nation State. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books.

(2022) 'Atomic war or world peace order? Karl Jaspers, Denis de Rougemont, Bertrand Russell'. Global Intellectual History.

(2020) 'Europe of nations, Europe without nationalism', in History of European Ideas 46:1.

(2020) ' Introduction: transnationalism in the 1950s Europe, ideas, debates and politics', in History of European Ideas 46:1. (w. Ettore Costa)

(2020) 'Thinking Beyond Europe’s Cultural Borders', in European Review

(2020) 'Entanglements: Cultural Borders in Visions of European Unification', in European Review

(2017) Cultural Borders of Europe: Narratives, Concepts and Practices in the Present and the Past (ed. W. Lindkvist, T., Söhrman, I. & Vajta, K.) Berghahn Books.

(2012) Nuclear Waste Management and Legitimacy: Responsibility and Nihilism. Routledge 2014.

(2012) 'The Uncomfortable Responsibility: Nuclear Waste Management: Ethics and Nuclear Waste', in European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms 17:1.

(2012) Nuclear Waste Management in a Globalised World, (ed. w. Strandberg, U.), paperback edition, Routledge.