
Ninni Maria Kristina Carlsson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Work
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 23
41123 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
405 30 Göteborg

About Ninni Maria Kristina Carlsson

Presentation Ninni Carlsson, PhD and senior lecturer, works as a researcher, teacher and pedagogic developer at the Department of Social work. She is specialized in gender based violence.

Ninni’s professional training within the field of Social Work is Social Pedagogy and Social Care, with an additional background in Medicine and Human Sciences. Her experience of Social Work practice has mainly been aiming at supporting and empowering women and children in exposed social positions. She has for many years been active on issues of gender and sexual violence.

In her PhD thesis, A time of telling (2009), Ninni examines the phenomenon of working through child sexual abuse, and it’s personal, social, structural and historical conditions. From a wider international perspective, the structural prerequisites had never before been explored. The thesis is the first Swedish study regarding the process of working through sexual abuse. It is also the first thesis in the field of Social Work in Sweden, studying child sexual abuse from the perspective of the victims.

Ninni is associated to the research network at The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority (Brottsoffermyndigheten) and her thesis was funded by the Crime Victim Fund. Ninni’s most recent project is a study of training needs at universities and departments responsable for gender based and domestic violence education.

Areas of expertise sexual violence, child sexual abuse, gender based violence, men's violence against women, exposure to crime, social support, social pedagogy, care, power, gender, social constructions and narrativity.