
Otto Swedrup

Doctoral Student

Department of Law
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

About Otto Swedrup

My areas of interest include welfare law, social rights and the civil society. My reasearch focuses particularly on the legal obligations and responsibilities of the public sector and questions of how public authorities act in order to secure social rights.

I am involved in the research project "The battle against poverty: Specifying and Securing a Social Minimum" (IISL Oñati).

I worked on the research project bEUcitizen (All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship) which was finalized in 2017. An EU-financed, comparative project where we looked at the access to social rights for EU-citizens in eight of the member states. Our contribution to the project is presented in the book "EU citizenship and Social Rights" (Martin Seeleib-Kaiser & Frans Pennings eds, Edward Elgar Publishing 2018).

My teaching is, to a high degree, done within the law clinic (Rättspraktik) and the course Law of the Welfare State in Practice (law clinics) as well as individual lectures in migration law, European social law, public law on other courses within the LL.M. programme.

On other web sites

Research areas

  • Public law, Social minimum, Social rights, Civil society, Human rights

Research in progress

  • PhD dissertation: "Principen om kommunens yttersta ansvar - om socialrättens långa linjer". Supervisors: Thomas Erhag och Therese Bäckman

Teaching areas

  • Clinical legal education, Public law, European Social law, Migration law,