
Rolf Solli

Professor Emeritus

School of Public Administration
Visiting address
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 712
40530 Göteborg

About Rolf Solli


Over the years, I have developed courses, taught at all levels in the subject of public administration, conducted research with external funding and been active in collaboration with the surrounding society.

A number of research projects have been carried out together with researchers from other countries and other disciplines.

I have also been director of the Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI) at the Gothenburg School of Economics and Local Government Research ) in Western Sweden (Kommunforskning i Västsverige) and for seven years head of the School of Public Administration.

Research interest

My main empirical field of research has been and is municipalities and county councils / regions. The overall issues concern above all management and governance in the broadest sense. At present, I deal mostly with issues concerning the welfare of the future and what it is that causes it to change in difficult times.

Ongoing project

For my part, several projects are going on at the same time. An ongoing project is about how welfare is handled in difficult situations. This is largely a matter of comparison with other countries in the Nordic region, but also countries further away, such as Australia and Canada. A project is longitudinal and focuses on the municipal directors in Sweden and with certain comparisons with the Nordic countries. The project has been running since 1995 and delivers publications in a steady stream.

Another project is about participating in the development of a new governance model for the Västra Götaland region (VGR). A basis for the new control model is the evaluation of VGR I led in 2017-18.


My teaching today is spread over all levels but with the main focus at the advanced level.

Supervision and examination of both master's theses and doctoral students is a fairly common part of my teaching.


My research is by definition dependent on the surrounding society. Municipalities, Regions and not least Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) are natural partners in my research projects. They create access to the practice and they finance most things.