
Sara Torsson Szyber

Senior Lecturer

The Design and Crafts Steneby Unit
Visiting address
Hemslöjdsvägen 1
66695 Dals Långed
Postal address
Hemslöjdsvägen 1
66695 Dals Långed

About Sara Torsson Szyber

Trained as an interior architect and furniture designer I explore different expressions of form related to the interior – from furniture and industrial design to the shaping of exhibition and interior architectural projects. My work puts an emphasis on material and color, in order to create an atmosphere of its own – a simplicity with a twist. I have been involved in a diverse range of work such as designing ”Play!” - an interactive exhibition for children that toured across Europe (Moscow, Berlin, Belgrade) - through being the creator of a wide range of original, typically Scandinavian style furniture design together with renowned companies as Design House Stockholm, Svenskt Tenn, NC and Nola. My curiosity for materials and patterns has been expressed in wool carpets for Kateha and a collection of clover patterned products in brass and silver plate for Svenskt Tenn. In 2020 I was invited to Misschiefs to create my Death Proof Cabinet, a limited edition design object. On behalf of with The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design/ Svensk Form, I was involved both as a designer and the curator of the '17 Swedish Designers'-exhibition show through USA, Austria and Czech Republic, with works exclusively by Swedish female designers. I have been commissioned to create the interiors of The Swedish Police Museum, The Gotland Visitor’s Centre/ Gotlands Naturum as well as exhibitions at The National Museum of Science and Technology. Recently I was selected to create the new space for visitors and school classes at The Swedish History Museum in Stockholm. Additional business partners include Klong, Futurniture, Vamlingbolaget, Business Sweden, Lima Deli, Swedish Travelling Exhibitions, Swedish Institute, Wanås Art. I have received several awards and grants. Between 2014-2020 I was a board member of Svensk Form/The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design. Welcome to