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- Sebastian Linke
Sebastian Linke
Senior Lecturer
School of Global StudiesAbout Sebastian Linke
PhD Associate Prof. Environmental Social Science
Room T330
Mobile: 46 (0)735736703
Email: sebastian.linke@gu.se
Research and Teaching Areas
- Environmental Social Science
- Science and Technology Studies; Science-Policy Studies
- Science-policy interactions with focus on fisheries and marine governance
I received an interdisciplinary education from the Universities of Berlin, Bergen/ Norway, Jena and Bielefeld (MA in Biology 2000 from Free University of Berlin; PhD 2005 in History of Science from University of Jena/ Germany). From 2007 on I was postdoctoral researcher at the section for Science and Technology Studies at the University of Gothenburg and researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science. Since 2017 I am a lecturer in Human Ecology and Docent in Environmental Social Science.
My research centres on the relationship between science, politics, and society with a focus on fisheries and marine governance. I am interested in the interactions of different actors (scientists, policymakers and stakeholders) and the use of scientific and other knowledge in sustainable governance of environmental resources.
My current research projects investigate scientific advisory practices in fisheries and marine governance, sustainable coastal development in Sweden, and the role of the EU in global sustainable fisheries governance.
Making Science Relevant: Comparing Two Science Advisory Organizations Beyond the Linear Knowledge
Göran Sundqvist, Sebastian Linke
Minerva - 2024 -
Navigating dilemmas with formalization of advisory processes: Views of practitioners in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Kare Nolde Nielsen, Sebastian Linke, Petter Holm
Fisheries local action groups, small-scale fisheries and territorial
Jeremy Phillipson, Pekka Salmi, Sebastian Linke, Kristina Svels, Urszula Budzich-Tabor
Aligning top-down and bottom-up modes of governance? How EU Fisheries Local Action Groups support small-scale fisheries and coastal community development in
Sebastian Linke, Nathan Siegrist
Sveriges kustkommuner om yrkesfiskets betydelse för en hållbar kustbygdsutveckling
Och vilken roll har kommunerna själva i denna
Ida Wingren, Sebastian Linke
2024 -
Why and how to engage regional stakeholders in fisheries development. Catalogue of
Ida Wingren, Sebastian Linke, Vesa Tschernij
2024 -
‘Close but not too close’ – experiences of science-policy bridging in three international advisory
Matteo de Donà, Sebastian Linke
Critical Policy Studies - 2023 -
Implementation of integrated ecosystem assessments in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea-conceptualizations, practice, and
P. M. Clay, J. Ferretti, J. L. Bailey, L. Goti, D. J. Dankel, M. Santurtun, J. Fuller, Sebastian Linke, J. Schmidt, K. N. Nielsen, D. Goldsborough, R. Groeneveld, A. R. Fraga, I. Elegbede, C. Rckmann
Ices Journal of Marine Science - 2023 -
Roles for advisory science in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Sebastian Linke, Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Paulina Ramiŕez-Monsalve
Marine Policy - 2023 -
A new hope for small-scale fisheries through local action groups? Comparing Finnish and Swedish
Pekka Salmi, Sebastian Linke, Nathan Siegrist, Kristina Svels
Maritime Studies - 2022 -
Institutionalizing Injustice? Aligning Governance Orders in Swedish Small-scale
Sebastian Linke, Maris Boyd Gillette, Svein Jentoft
Blue Justice: Small-Scale Fisheries in a Sustainable Ocean Economy - 2022 -
More than just a carding system: Labour implications of the EU’s illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing policy in
Sebastian Linke, Alin Kadfak
Marine Policy - 2021 -
Mapping and Evaluating Marine Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services: A Transdisciplinary Delphi Forecasting Process
Andrea Belgrano, Camilla Novaglio, Henrik Svedäng, Sebastian Villasante, Carlos Melián, Thorsten Blenckner, Ulf Bergström, Andreas Bryhn, Lena Bergström, Valerio Bartolino, Mattias Sköld, Maciej Tomczak, Sofia Wikström, Andreas Skriver Hansen, Sebastian Linke, Richard Emersson, Andrea Morf, Kajsa Tonnesson
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - 2021 -
Throughput legitimacy in Swedish fisheries governance: Views from coastal
Maris Boyd Gillette, Sebastian Linke, Nathan Siegrist
MARE conference - 2021 -
Commentary 2 to the manifesto for the marine social sciences: applied social
Sebastian Linke, Marloes Kraan
Maritime Studies - 2020 -
Knowledge for Fisheries Governance: Participation, Integration and Institutional
Sebastian Linke, Maria Hadjimichael, Steven Mackinson, Petter Holm
Collaborative Research in Fisheries Co-creating Knowledge for Fisheries Governance in Europe - 2020 -
Bridging Gaps, Reforming
Petter Holm, Maria Hadjimichael, Steven Mackinson, Sebastian Linke
Collaborative Research in Fisheries Co-creating Knowledge for Fisheries Governance in Europe - 2020 -
Collaborative Research in Fisheries
Co-creating Knowledge for Fisheries Governance in
Sebastian Linke, Petter Holm, Maria Hadjimichael, Steven Mackinson
2020 -
Swimming upstream: community economies for a different coastal rural development in
Milena Arias Schreiber, Ida Wingren, Sebastian Linke
Sustainability Science - 2020 -
Hur mår den svenska yrkesfiskaren? En enkätundersökning om fiskelicensinnehavare,
Maris Boyd Gillette, Milena Arias Schreiber, Vesa Tschernij, Madeleine Lundin, Sebastian Linke, Nathan Siegrist
2020 -
Governing the Governance: Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe with Focus on the Baltic
Milena Arias Schreiber, Sebastian Linke, Alyne Delaney, Svein Jentoft
Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance - 2019 -
The transformation of the oceans and the future of marine social
P. Arbo, M. Knol, Sebastian Linke, K. St. Martin
Maritime Studies - 2018 -
The social dimensions of ecosystem-based fisheries
Knowledge for environmental governance: probing science–policy theory in the cases of eutrophication and fisheries in the Baltic
Fred P. Saunders, Michael Gilek, Sebastian Linke
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning - 2017 -
Addressing Social Sustainability for Small-Scale Fisheries in Sweden: Institutional Barriers for Implementing the Small-Scale Fisheries
Milena Arias Schreiber, Filippa Säwe, Johan Hultman, Sebastian Linke
The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation - 2017 -
The legitimization of concern: A flexible framework for investigating the enactment of stakeholders in environmental planning and governance
Jonathan Metzger, Linda Soneryd, Sebastian Linke
Environment and planning A - 2017 -
Ideals, realities and paradoxes of stakeholder participation in EU fisheries
Sebastian Linke, Svein Jentoft
Environmental Sociology - 2016 -
Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea: Identifying Key Challenges, Research Topics and Analytical
Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson, Sebastian Linke, smolarz Katarzyna
Gilek, M., Linke, S., Karlsson, M., Smolarz, K. (eds.) Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea. - 2016 -
Science-Policy Interfaces and Baltic Sea Environmental Governance: towards regional cooperation and coping with
Sebastian Linke, Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson
Gilek, M., Linke, S., Karlsson, M., Smolarz, K. (eds.) Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea. - 2016 -
Fisheries: a case study of Baltic Sea environmental
Piet Sellke, Marion Dreyer, Sebastian Linke
Gilek, M., Linke, S., Karlsson, M., Smolarz, K. (eds.) Environmental Governance of the Baltic Sea. - 2016 -
Environmental Governance of the Baltic
Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson, Sebastian Linke, Katarzyna Smolarz
2016 -
Unravelling science-policy interactions in environmental risk governance of the Baltic Sea: comparing fisheries and
Sebastian Linke, Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson, Oksana Udovyk
Risk, Uncertainty and Policy. Brown, P. and Olofsson A. (eds.) - 2015 -
Co-management in fisheries : Experiences and changing approaches in
Sebastian Linke, Karl Bruckmeier
Ocean and Coastal Management - 2015 -
Science and Policy in the Governance of Europe’s Marine Environment: The Impact of Europeanization, Regionalization and the Ecosystem Approach to
Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson, Oksana Udovyk, Sebastian Linke
Governing Europe’s Marine Environment: Europeanization of Regional Seas or Regionalization of EU Policies? / edited by Michael Gilek, Kristine Kern - 2015 -
Unravelling science-policy interactions in environmental risk governance of the Baltic Sea: comparing fisheries and
Sebastian Linke, Michael Gilek, Mikael Karlsson, Oksana Udovyk
Journal of Risk Research - 2014 -
Exploring the phronetic dimension of stakeholders' knowledge in EU fisheries
Sebastian Linke, Svein Jentoft
Marine Policy - 2014 -
Låt fiskerinäringen ta större ansvar för
Sebastian Linke
Havsbruk som håller i längden; Forskningsrådet Formas - 2013 -
A communicative turnaround: Shifting the burden of proof in European fisheries
Sebastian Linke, Svein Jentoft
Marine Policy - 2013 -
Социобиология: Новая
Sebastian Linke
Levit, G. Kolchinsky, E. Kutschera, U. Hossfeld, U. and Olsson, L. The Evolutionary Synthesis: Limits, Perspectives, Alternatives. - 2013 -
Ge fiskarna större ansvar för
Sebastian Linke
EXTRAKT Aktuell forskning förett hållbart samhälle - 2013 -
Governance als Tragödie: Das Europäische Fischereimanagement und die Rolle der Wissenschaft in internationalen
Sebastian Linke
Morisse-Schilbach, M. and Halfmann, J. (Eds.) Wissen, Wissenschaft und Global Commons. Internationale Beziehungen. - 2012 -
Contexts constrain science in the public: How the sociobiology debate was (not) presented in the German
Sebastian Linke
Public Understanding of Science - 2012 -
The Regional Advisory Councils: What is Their Potential to Incorporate Stakeholder Knowledge into Fisheries
Sebastian Linke, Marion Dreyer, Piet Sellke
AMBIO - 2011 -
Scientists in the Public Sphere: Motivations and Barriers for Scientists to Engage in Public Outreach in
Sebastian Linke, Olga Stepanova, Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay
International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology PCST-10, Malmö/Copenhagen, Sweden, June 2008 - 2008 -
The Governance of a Tragedy New Stakeholder Participation and Conflicting Knowledge Systems in European Fisheries
Sebastian Linke
Paper at the Conference: Wissenschaft und Global Commons 6.-8. November 2008, TU Dresden - 2008 -
The Governance of Fisheries Management in the Baltic Sea: Conflicting or Converging Knowledge Systems between Sci- ence, Fisheries and
Sebastian Linke
Paper at the 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change “Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change" - 2008 -
Darwins Erben in den Medien. Eine wissenschafts- und medien¬soziologische Fallstudie zur Renaissance der
Sebastian Linke
2007 -
Die Soziobiologie in den Medien – Eine
Sebastian Linke
2005 -
Age at maturity in cavies and guinea-pigs (Cavia aperea and Cavia aperea f. porcellus): influence of social
Sebastian Linke
Journal of Zoology - 2005 -
Zur Rezeption der Soziobiologie in den deutschen Medien: Ein Vergleich der Darstellung in Wissenschaft und deutscher Presse zwischen den 1970er und 1990er
Sebastian Linke
Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie - 2005 -
Gene für das Schöne? - Evolutionäre Ästhetik als total-naturalistisches
Sebastian Linke
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau - 2004