
Tjeerd Fokkens

Doctoral Student

Philosophy and Logic unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Tjeerd Fokkens

My PhD research is centred around finding a(n explainable) complexity measure on description logic ABoxes that is cognitively adequate, i.e. that gives a reliable estimate of how difficult it is for a human to decide the inconsistency of a given ABox.

To tackle this problem, I've written the model SHARP with the cognitive architecture ACT-R that simulates the thinking process above.

Moreover, I collected data on human subjects to test the predictions made with SHARP; a paper about this is pending.

In the future I want to explore surrogate modelling techniques to achieve an easy to compute complexity measure.

I have teaching experience in set theory and cognitive aspects of deductive reasoning.

I'm also interested in popular science communication, participating in various events regarding this and winning SGroup's 3MT competition in Santander in 2023.