
Ulla Sätereie


Journalism Media and Communication JMG
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 b
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Ulla Sätereie

Lecturer in journalism.

Program coordinator of MIJ, the international master's program in investigative journalism.

Chairman of Grävande Journalister (Investigative Reporters in Sweden).

Former head of department at JMG and director of studies for the journalism education. Wrote a master thesis called "Investigative journalism - a study of five years of nominees to the Guldspaden award, 2013-2017", in 2019. Member of the Guldspade Jury.

Educated at the School of Journalism in Gothenburg (1988-90) and has worked as a reporter at Arbetet, Aftonbladet, Expressen, Strix TV and as a freelance.


  • Lecturer, Dept of Journalism, Media and Communication, JMG, University of Gothenburg, 2001 –
  • Programme coordinator MIJ, 2019 -
  • Member of the Guldspade Jury, 2019 -
  • One year master in Journalism, 2019
  • Sabbatical at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA 2018-2019
  • Head of Dept, JMG, 2011-2018
  • Director of Studies, Journalism Studies, 2009 – 2011
  • BA, Comparative Literature, University of Gohenburg, 2000
  • Free lance reporter, 1995-2001
  • Arbetet (Malmö), Aftonbladet, Expressen, Strix TV (Stockholm), 1990 – 1995 (reporter, researcher, producer)
  • School of Journalism, University of Gothenburg, 1990


Journalism, investigative journalism, crossborder collaborative journalism.


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