
Yannick de Raaff

Doctoral Student

Department of Historical Studies
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Yannick de Raaff

I am currently employed as PhD student in Antikens Kultur och Samhällsliv (AKS, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Department of Historical Studies) at Gothenburg University. The aim of my PhD project is to gain a better understanding of the articulation of sociopolitical inequalities in settlements during the early Mycenaean period (roughly 1800-1400 BCE), by analysing the traditions and innovations that guided the construction of houses. To do so, I make use of 1) an qualitative analysis in which I study architectural practices, 2) the quantitate method called architectural energetics, and 3) virtual 3D modelling and reconstruction of houses. Together, these approaches allow for the detection of traditions and innovations in building practices and as such attempts at monumentalisation and the establishment of vertical and horizontal power structures as well as conformity and differentiation amongst households.

I have a background in History (BA, Groningen University, 2017) and Archaeology (BA, Groningen University, 2017). Recently, I have obtained my Master's degree (Research Master Archaeology, Groningen University, 2020, cum laude). During my RMA and under the tutelage of Prof. Sofia Voutsaki and dr. Corien Wiersma, I have explored (early) Mycenaean archaeology from the Greek mainland, focusing particularly on funerary and settlement architecture. This has resulted in several research projects and publications on the funerary architecture of North Cemetery of the palatial settlement of Ayios Vasileios (Laconia), amongst which a paper that focuses on labour investment and social change, and several others (in press/in prep) about the VR-reconstruction of one of the excavated tombs. This reconstruction of 'Tomb 21' has been on display as part of the DIG IT ALL-exhibition at the University Museum in Groningen.

Next to Mycenaean archaeology another interest lies with archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, and in particular, the reconstructions of Mesolithic huts. I have organised with the Prehistorische Nederzetting Swifterkamp (2017) and with fellow students from the Werkgroep Experimentele Archeologie (WEAG, Groningen, 2018) two campaigns in which we attempted to reconstruct Mesolithic huts from the Netherlands. This prompted a research into the evolution of our perception of these huts - based on what data have they so far been reconstructed and how valid are these? For our efforts at Swifterkamp we have been awarded the Letteren Impact Award from the University of Groningen. One of the involved students has created a small exchibtion at Swifterkamp about Mesolithic huts in the Netherlands and their reception over the years.

I have participated in fieldwork projects in:

  • Greece (Ayios Vasileios: settlement excavation, palace excavation, field survey, with the University of Groningen; Thorikos, with the Universities of Ghent, Uppsala, Göttingen and Groningen)
  • Italy (Crustumerium: with the University of Groningen)
  • Israël (Hippos-Sussita: with the University of Haifa)
  • the Netherlands (Dalfsen, Dwingeloo: with the University of Groningen)
  • Germany (Bliesbrück-Reinheim).

Since 2019 I am part of the Thorikos Archaeological Research Project (TARP; affiliation Ghent University), and I study the architectural terracottas of the small Temple of Dionysos excavated at the site, together with Prof. dr. Roald Docter.

For publications, see
