University of Gothenburg

Centre for Ageing and Health

AgeCap researchers

Welcome to AgeCap, Centre for Ageing and Health! We perform multidisciplinary research for capable ageing. Our vision is a society in which ageing is valued for potentials and older adults are respected - a society that enable us to be active agents in our own lives, independent of age and other factors. AgeCap is the largest Research Centre for Ageing and Health in Sweden. We are a multidisciplinary research center, hosting over 160 researchers and research staff from six faculties and 18 departments. Our researchers work interdisciplinary over more than 25 disciplines with the common goal to increase the quality of life and societal participation for older persons.

We use numerous different studies to answer our research questions, for example the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies in Sweden (the H70 studies) which several interdisciplinary projects are based on.
The research within our centre originate from the perception that the today's society is not optimal for promoting the health of older people. While there are several ways to meet this challenge,
AgeCap has chosen the capability approach to focus on a more health and ability-related perspective rather than on disease and disabilities.
The definition of capability used within AgeCap is based on the work of the philosopher and economist Amartya Sen: the individual´s ability to perform actions in order to reach goals he or she has reason to value.

International Advisory board

We would like to thank our International Advisory board for a great meeting and symposia in Gothenburg. They are now honored by receiving status as AgeCap Fellow

Photo: Maria Edström

From the left: David Gordon, Robert Stewart, Denis Gerstorf, and Gladys Maestre and Clare Hocking (Nick Fox, Adesola Ogunniyi and Ulla Kriebernegg are missing)

Annual report

In AgeCap´s annual report you can read what has been accomplished within the centre during the year: Annual report 2022