Nordic seminar and webinar on Infection Control, Gothenburg, September 27-29, 2022
The seminar is by support from the Nordic Council of Minsters free to attend for the participants. The aim of the seminar is to support Nordic cooperation in research on infection control.
The aim of the seminar is to support Nordic cooperation in research on infection control. The seminar is by support from the Nordic Council of Ministers free to attend for the participants. Only individual costs for travel and accommodation need to be covered.
To secure to be present at the seminar in Gothenburg, please register before August 21, registration form will be available in April. The program September 27 and September 29 will also be available as webinar.
Dockyard Hotel at Campus Nya Varvet has reserved 25 rooms to August 21 for stay between September 27-29 for 1165 SEK per night including breakfast, booking with ref. “ Nordic infection control network” at T: +46 (0) 31- 857020: E-mal : website :
For more information and suggestions contact
Rune Andersson, senior professor in infectious diseases at Gothenburg University
Deadline for registration was august 21
Please contact if you have questions about registration/possible late registration
September 27
at Hall Arvid Carlsson, Academicum. Medicinaregatan 3, Gothenburg on site and also as a webinar (150 seats in the hall)
9.00 Welcome
9.05 Hospital Infection Control in covid- 19- Anders Johansson, Umeå University
10.00 Questions and discussion
10.20 Coffee/tea break
10.45 Update on Covid-19 vaccines- Sören Andersson, The Public Health Agency of Sweden
11.30 Questions and discussion
12.00 Lunch
13.00-16.00 Seminar on the Nordic experiences on how well the toolbox for infection control has worked in the actual covid-19 pandemic with focus on the need of research.
13.00 Welcome
13.05- 14.30 Presentations by the panelists:
Tyra Grove Krause – Statens Serum Institute, Denmark
Anders Tegnell- The Public Health Agency of Sweden
Frode Forland- Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Mika Salminen- Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare
14.30- 15.00 Coffee/tea break
15.00- 15.45 Questions and discussion
15.45- 16.00 Recommendations on future research from the panellists
Seminar September 28
at Styrhytten, Campus Nya Varvet, Gothenburg. Seminar for 35-40 persons. Presentations on research in infection control on 15-30 minutes for each project with 15-30 minutes of discussion.
9.00 Wellcome
9.05 Mette Assenholm Kristensen- Socioeconomic determinants for successful decolonization treatment among individuals diagnosed with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a cohort study from 2007 to 2020
9.45 Jon Edman Wallér- Clostridioides difficile – healthcare transmission in a Swedish setting.
10.30 Coffe/tea
10.50 Camilla Björn, RISE and Gunilla Skoog Ståhlgren, Folkhälsomyndigheten- "Antibiotic Smart Sweden", for more information see
11.30 Jette Holt – “Doing things with numbers- an analytical coverage of the monitoring system HAIBAS Discursive Reading”
12.15 Lunch
13.15 Erika Tång Hallbäck, Anna Johnning, Sofia Myhrman, Marie Studahl and Ingegerd Adlerberth- Transmission of OXA-48 positive Enterobacteriaceae in a neonatal intensive care unit in Western Sweden 2015
14.00 Carl-Johan Fraenkel, Sara Thuresson, Malin Alsved, Jakob Löndahl, Patrik Medstrand -Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 - risk factors relevant in an infection control perspective
14.45-15.15 Coffe/tea
15.15 Malin Spetz- The social patterning of Covid-19 vaccine uptake in older adults: A register-based cross-sectional study in Sweden
16.00 Ann Filippa Madsen – Securing PPE during Covid-19 pandemic, experiences from Rigshospitalet (DK)
September 29
at Havsörnen, Campus Nya Varvet, Gothenburg, on site and also as a webinar (80 seats in the hall). Partly available as webinar.
9.00 Welcome
9.05 -9.50 Anthropological perspectives on risk, transmission of pathogens and zoonoses –Senior lecturer Johan Wedel, School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University
9.50- 10.30 Questions, discussion
10.30-11.00 Coffee/tea break
11.00- 11.45 What a researcher in social science can contribute with in infection control- Associate Professor Lena Andersson, Department of Social Work, Gothenburg University
11.45- 12.30 Questions, discussion
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.15 What a researcher in health economics can contribute with in infection control- Senior lecturer Annika Lindskog, Department of Economics, Gothenburg University
14.15-15.00 Questions, Discussion
15.00- 15.30 Coffee/tea break
15.30- 16.15 What can analysis of virus in waste water contribute with in infection control? Prof. Helene Norder, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Gothenburg University
16.15-17.00 Questions, Discussion