Education via CARES
Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research provides PhD graduate studies through Cancer Research South (CARES) School, with the goal to provide a unique possibility to broaden the PhD Student’s knowledge in all aspects of comprehensive translational cancer research.
Started as a strategic research program
Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Reserch was initially part of the governmental supported strategic cancer research program BioCARE, which was run jointly by the universities of Gothenburg and Lund between 2010 - 2019. The overall aim of the program was to promote research and education of highest international standard and to facilitate the translation of acquired knowledge to society with health care and industry as the natural partners.
Until the research program was cancelled at the end of 2019, BioCARE was also host for the Cancer Research South (CARES) School. This responsibility was instead taken over by the newly established Lund University Cancer Centre (LUCC) in 2020.
Cancer Research South (CARES) School
LUCC is the current host of Cancer Research South (CARES) School, which is a graduate research school funded by the Swedish Cancer Society. We at Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research are part of this effort and besides our research we therefore provide education through a range of comprehensive courses and activities for PhD Students within cancer research, both at University of Gothenburg and Lund University (within LUCC).
CARES has been updated and was relaunched in a new format during January 2022, with new content and courses. Within the 18 months program the research school comprise:
- 4 one day retreats, thematically organized
- 4 online courses focusing on contemporary methods, including bioinformatics, liquid biopsy, epigenetics and translational cancer research
- One online course in clinical trials in cancer
- An exchange program between clinical and pre-clinical fellows.
The first 18 month period of CARES ran from January 2022 until the end of June 2023 and the second period started in July/August 2023 and will be running until the end of December 2024. The third period of CARES will run from January 2025 until May 2026.
New admission for CARES - deadline is extended until 1 November 2024
Go to the LUCC CARES webpage for more information about the CARES research school program and application.

CARES - courses (online)
Epigenetics in cancer research, organized by Helena Carén, UGOT
Liquid biopsy, organized by UGOT
Translational cancer research, organized by Siker Kimbung and Gabriel Adrian, LU
Medical Bioinformatic, organized by Gottfried Sjödahl and Karin Engström, LU
Clinical trial in cancer, organized by Roger Olofsson Bagge, UGOT
The course consists of approximately 17 modules with online lectures and assignments.
For questions regarding Cancer Research South (CARES) School, please contact the coordinator first hand:
Scientific Coordinator, LU |
Research Administrator, LU |
Steering Committee |