Take part of various videos, podcasts and documentaries with participation from CARe researchers
"The real price of cheap medicines" - Dutch TV documentary that highlights not only the environmental pollution problems but also also other issues related to the fierce price pressure on medicines. April 10, 2018.
"Tödliche Supererreger aus Pharmafabriken".
Pharma pollution in India continues. 2017 - The extent of the pollution from pharma industries in the Hyderabad region in India and the links to antibiotic resistance have been shown in several earlier studies by CARe researchers.. A TV-documentary broadcasted in Germany.
"Bakterietrusselen” - one hour documentary by Norwegian TV (NRK) on antibiotic pollution in India and how it can lead to antibiotic resistance. The documentary can be seen here, and a summary article with selected video clips and interviews can be found here. In Norwegian with English subtitles. 2016-03-15.
"Superbugs: The Dark Side of India’s Drug Boom". Youtube documentary by Vice News 2016-02-22.
Swedish Research Council's podcast 2024-11-20 Vad behöver beslutsfattare veta om antibiotikaresistens? with Joakim Larsson (in Swedish)
One Health Trust podcast 2023-09-07 Poops and Pathogens with Professor Joakim Larsson
Microbiology Lab pod 2022-12-09 Environmental antibiotic resistance with Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Emil Burman, Anna Abramova, Marcus Wenne, Mirjam Dannborg and Agata Marchi
AMR Studio podcast Carl-Fredrik Flach & sewage surveillance. Water chlorination & microbiome. C. difficile spread between humans & animals.
AMR Studio podcast Björn Rönnerstrand & political sciences. Non-prescribed antibiotic acquisition. Prescribing consensus. Contextual factors for prescribing.
One World, One Health podcast, 2022-08-31 - "Poop & Pathogens – Disease surveillance in wastewater" with Professor Joakim Larsson
1928 Diagnostics Talks - 2021-05-03. Prof. Joakim Larsson talks about his latest publication that investigates hospital wastewater and its selection for multi-resistant E. coli strains.
TV & Radio
SR, 2023 - "Nya forskningsgruppens dröm: Hitta antibiotika mot resistenta bakterier"
TV4, 2021 - "Sjukhustoaletter kan bidra till vår nästa stora sjukvårdskris"
SVT, 2020 – ”Smutsig baksida: Läkemedel ut i grundvattnet” 26:19 in i programmet
SR, 2020 - "Läkemedelsindustrin bakom hälsoproblem i Indien"
TV4, 2019 - "Billiga läkemedel dyra för miljön"
SR Vetenskapsradion, 2018 - "Ny klass av antibiotika på gång"
GU TV Play, 2017 - "Antibiotikaresistens angår oss alla"
Svenska Yle, 2017 - "Finland sparar miljoner på billigare läkemedel - men miljön betalar priset"
TV4, 2017 - "Billigare mediciner kan vara miljöbovar"
SR, 2017 - "Så kan sjukvården bli klimatsmartare"
Wired, 2023-02-07 - "The antibiotic-resistance crisis has a troubling twist"
Dagens medisin, 2023-02-13 - "Antibiotikaresistente bakterier truer både helsa og verdensøkonomien"
The guardian, 2022-02-14 - "Drugs have dangerously polluted the world’s rivers, scientists warn"
Genetic engineering & biotechnology news, 2021-01-08 - "Exploring the origins of antibiotic resistance genes"
Le Temps, 2020-07-24 - "Superbugs, new pet peeves in hospitals"
Swedwatch, 2020-02-19 - "Environmental and human rights impacts from pharmaceutical production in India and the need for supply chain transparency"
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 2020-02-07 - "India to ban antibiotics pollution from pharma factories"
Science, 2020-01-24 - "Industry says voluntary plan to curb antibiotic pollution is working, but critics want regulation"
Chemistry World, 2019-12-23 - "Poor antibiotic stewardship blamed as India found to be superbug’s birthplace"
New Scientist, 2019-05-22 - "How antibiotic resistance is driven by pharmaceutical pollution"
Science Daily, 2019-01-08 - "Antibiotic resistance in the environment linked to fecal pollution"
Science Daily, 2018-10-17 - "Breastfeeding protects babies from antibiotic-resistant bacteria"
Chemistry World, 2018-05-18 - "Why antibiotic pollution is a global threat"
Le Monde, science & médicine, 2018 - "L'Inde, fabrique d'antibiorésistance" english version (see below for pdf)
The Telegraph, 2018 - "The true cost of antibiotic resistance in Britain and around the world "
Laboratory news, 2017 - "Antibiotic-resistant genes discovered"
Hindustan Times, 2017 - "Waste dumping in rivers leading to antibiotic resistance: Experts"
The Hindu, 2017 - "The superbugs of Hyderabad"
Deutschlandfunk, 2017 - "Antibiotikaresistenz, Mehr Krankheitsfälle, erhöhte Sterblichkeit"
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 2017 - "Big Pharma's pollution is creating deadly superbugs while the world looks the other way"
Mint Press News, 2017 - "Big Pharma’s Pollution Is Creating Deadly Superbugs, While The World Looks The Other Way"
The New York Times, 2016-12-02 - "Fear, Then Skepticism, Over Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in Beijing Smog".
South China Morning Post, 2016 (updated 2018) - "Scientists find bacteria in Beijing smog that lead to antibiotic resistance"
Dagens medicin 2023.05.16 : Oroande för sjukvårdssystemet med olika regeltolkningar
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2023-02-15- "Slående starkt stöd för nya miljökrav"
Ny Teknik, 2023-02-09- Kommentar till FN-rapport: Så kan resistenta bakterier stoppas
Göteborg & co, 2022-12-15 - "Ambassadörerna som lyfter mötesstaden Göteborg"
Svenska Dagbladet 2022-11-17 "Stora förändringar i en postantibiotisk era"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2022-06-14- ”Industrin sätter standard för utsläpp på egna villkor”
Vetenskapsrådet, 2021-11-17 - "Miljöns betydelse för att sprida antibiotikaresistens är underskattad "
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2021-06-23 - "Bakteriedödande ämnen kan öka antibiotikareistens"
Svenska Dagbladet, 2021-05-14 - "Stoppa hemlighetsmakeri runt läkemedel"
Göteborgs-Posten, 2021-02-21 - "Nya resistenta bakterier kan växa till sig i SU:s kloaker"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2021-01-12, "Upptäckt ger verktyg mot antibiotikaresistens"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2020-10-15 - ”Jo, det går att rikta kriterier mot utsläpp”
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2020-10-12 - Märkning blir missledande
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2020-06-20 - Bra med ökad press på tillverkarna
Svenska Dagbladet, 2020-03-06 - "Brist på antibiotika befaras – fabriker stängda"
Sydsvenskan, 2020-03-06 - "Antibiotikabrist risk efter Kinas viruspolitik", 2020-02-10 - "Slamspridning på åkrar ökar inte risken för antibiotikaresistens"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2020-01-20 - "Kräver ursprungsmärkning mot utsläpp av antibiotika"
Extract, 2019-11-25 - "Det är som att odla fram resistens"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2019-10-29 - "Nya data: stora utsläpp vid tillverkning"
Curie, 2019-09-17 - "Världens mest citerade forskare"
Göteborgs-Posten, 2019-08-20 - "Klimatfrågan döljer andra miljöproblem"
Läkemedelsvärlden, 2019-05-16 - "Utsläppen måste kunna kontrolleras"
Dagens Medicin, 2019-01-09 - "Ursprung klarlagt för resistenta bakterier i miljön"
Aftonbladet, 2019-01-08 - "Bajs orsak till resistenta bakterier i miljön"
Göteborgs-Posten, 2018-02-15 - "Sonesson: Billiga läkemedel ger livsfarliga utsläpp", 2017-10-30 - "Studie: Dags väga in miljö i val av läkemedel", 2017-10-16 - "Nyupptäckta gener för antibiotikaresistens kan leda till nya mediciner"
Göteborgs Posten, 2017-02-24 - "Problemlösaren från Göteborg"
Forskning, 2016 - "Billiga läkemedel ett hot mot miljön"
Göteborgs Posten, 2016 - "Storsatsning för att stoppa antibiotikaresistens"
Dagens Nyheter, 2016-09-19 - "Forskare vill skärpa kraven på läkemedelstillverkarna"
Svensk farmaci, 2016-05-25 - "Framsteg inom miljöfarmakologi"
SETAC Pharmaceuticals IG Webinar, Feb 2023. "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Effluents: Impact, Identification and Mitigation"
One World, One Health podcast, 2022-08-31 - "Poop & Pathogens – Disease surveillance in wastewater"
Panel at the Gothenburg Science festival 22-04-21 Antibiotikapolitik: Idag och imorgon”,
1928 Diagnostics Talks - 2021-05-03. Prof. Joakim Larsson talks about his latest publication that investigates hospital wastewater and its selection for multi-resistant E. coli strains.
Resistomap, Webinar Series, 2020-11-24 - "Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment"
World Health Summit (arranged by the WHO), 2020-10-25 - "How to solve the issue of shortages of existing antibiotics and preserve the environment from discharges."
Läkemedelsvärldens och Apotekarsocietetens möte, Kampen mot antibiotikaresistens - från ord till handling, 2019, "Tillverkning av antibiotika räddar liv men driver på resistensutvecklingen"
Ethics and Value Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance Management, Policy and Research Symposium 2017. The symposium was the first ever major international conference on this topic.
UN Sustainable Development Goals, 2017-11-23 - "Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being"
Ethics and Value Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance Management, Policy and Research symposium, Gothenburg, 2017-11-15 - "The shortest intro ever to antibiotic resistance and some reflections on the environmental dimensions"
Joakim Larsson med CARe i Almedalen, 2017, "Vår antibiotika i deras vatten"
SIANI, (Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative), 2016-09-20 - "The collective evidence: AMR across the sectors"