Social Programme
Social programme
Welcome Reception
We are very pleased to announce that right after the first day´s scientific program, The City of Gothenburg and the Västra Götaland Region will host a welcome reception for the EDAR6 congressional delegates.
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Venue: Wallenberg Conference Centre
Social Evening
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2022
Time: 18:30-ca 22.30
Venue: Universeum - the national Science Centre of Sweden, located at Korsvägen, next to Liseberg amusement park.
Adress: Södra Vägen 50, 412 54 Göteborg.
About Universeum
Universeum is the national science centre of Sweden and a powerful arena for education and popular education in science, technology and sustainable development. Our large house in the middle of Gothenburg houses science and experiences about the whole world – from large world oceans and the Amazon rainforest to a chemistry lab, technology lab and space. More information here

Conference secretariat:
Department of Infectious Diseases, Institute of Biomedicine
Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg
Guldhedsgatan 10A
S-412 94, Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail: care@gu.se
Professional conference organizer:
EDAR 2022
MeetX AB
S-412 94, Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail: edar2022@meetx.se