Sponsors and Exhibitors
Expose and market your company, organisation or products, perhaps find future employees or collaborators and support the goals of EDAR6 by becoming a sponsor and/or exhibitor.
Do not miss this opportunity to visibility in a way that meets the style and needs of your company/organization.
The present conference is the 6th conference in a most successful series organised every other year by the community of leading scientists in environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance. The number of participants at previous meetings has been 250-300 from all over the world and we aim for +300 coming to Gothenburg.
The EDAR conference series provide unmatched possibilities to connect with academia and other stakeholders with a particular interest or expertise in the environmental dimensions of AMR. EDAR6 is therefore THE place to make new contacts for future business, ventures, collaboration, recruitment and policy development in this area. Please note that EDAR6 also provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the needs of your (potential) costumers, to train your staff in customer relation and to become updated on latest development and the most critical knowledge gaps.
Sponsor and Exhibition opportunities:
Space centrally located 20.000 SEK (+VAT)
Register as an exhibitor here
For more information:
Sweden Meetx AB
E-mail: edar2022@meetx.se
Location: Mässans Gata
Venue Location: Conference Centre Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20, 413 90, Gothenburg
Our Sponsors
Göteborgs University of Gothenburg
City of Gothenburg
The Swedish Research council VR/JPIAMR

Conference secretariat:
Department of Infectious Diseases, Institute of Biomedicine
Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg
Guldhedsgatan 10A
S-412 94, Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail: care@gu.se
Professional conference organizer:
EDAR 2022
MeetX AB
S-412 94, Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail: edar2022@meetx.se