University of Gothenburg
Photo: Kollage av Linda Johansson

Materiality within museums, archives, cities and households in local, global and future perspectives.

The Heritage Academy and the CHS at the University of Gothenburg presents a two day seminar discussing materiality within museums, archives, cities and households in local, global and future perspectives. Short introductions to the presentations and links to the videos will be presented below. The first day will be presented in Swedish and the second in English. The venue for both days is the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg. 

14 October 2015
Samlingarna och samhället 2

Den 17 september 2014 arrangerades det första seminariet med tema samlingarna och samhället på Bohusläns museum. Inför seminariedagen Samlingarna och samhället 2 2015 ställdes bland annat frågan om vad som egentligen är museisamlingarnas potential i vår tid – vad är det vi gör med samlingarna? Fokus i presentationerna ligger på frågor om gallring, tillgängliggörande och etik ur både ett samtids- och framtidsperspektiv.

15 October 2015 Curating Overflow

The main purpose of this seminar day is to summarize and bring out key issues and critical examples from the work and discussion in the three present clusters of the CHS (Critical Heritage Studies) at the University of Gothenburg, and create a base and inspiration for the forthcoming work of the clusters. The tree clusters Staging the Archives, Globalizing Heritage and Curating the City had a section each during the day. Introducing CHS video

Navigate to video: Samlingarna och samhället 2, introduktion av Anita Synnestved
Video (4:43)
Samlingarna och samhället 2, introduktion av Anita Synnestved
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Curating Overflow - Introducing CHS
Video (10:29)
Critical Heritage Studies - Curating Overflow - Introducing CHS

14 October 2015 Video: Samlingarna och samhället 2

Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Heritage as Common - Common as Heritage
Video (20:55)
Critical Heritage Studies - Heritage as Common - Common as Heritage
Navigate to video: Världskulturmuseets arbete med att tillgängliggöra samlingar i muséet
Video (1:07:17)
Världskulturmuseets arbete med att tillgängliggöra samlingar i muséet
Navigate to video: Kulturarvstider - vad betyder det egentligen?
Video (1:02:22)
Kulturarvstider - vad betyder det egentligen?
Navigate to video: Gallring, avyttring, glömska
Video (59:41)
Gallring, avyttring, glömska
Navigate to video: Göteborgs Stadsmuseum om magasinering och arkivering av arkeologiskt material
Video (48:53)
Göteborgs Stadsmuseum om magasinering och arkivering av arkeologiskt material

15 October 2015 Video: Curating Overflow

Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Urban Collections and Redistributions
Video (42:34)
Critical Heritage Studies - Urban Collections and Redistributions
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Precious - An Exploration of Narrative Repairs of Artefacts
Video (32::59)
Critical Heritage Studies - Precious - An Exploration of Narrative Repairs of Artefacts
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Ivar Arosenius - Conjuring Up the Artist from the Archives
Video (53:03)
Critical Heritage Studies - Ivar Arosenius - Conjuring Up the Artist from the Archives
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Curating Mary Digitally - Representations of Medieval Material Culture in Installations and Online Archives
Video (37:21)
Critical Heritage Studies - Curating Mary Digitally - Representations of Medieval Material Culture in Installations and Online Archives
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Curating the Senses
Video (45:56)
Critical Heritage Studies - Curating the Senses
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Assembling Alternative Heritage Futures - Curating Profusion in Homes and Museums
Video (34:14)
Critical Heritage Studies - Assembling Alternative Heritage Futures - Curating Profusion in Homes and Museums
Navigate to video: Critical Heritage Studies - Waste - Visible and Invisible
Video (49:19)
Critical Heritage Studies - Waste - Visible and Invisible

Critical Curatorship: Objects, Archives and Collections in Ethnographic Museums

PhD workshop 19 - 23 May, 2014  
Collections stores of the Swedish National Museums of World Culture, Gothenburg

The Dimensions of Heritage Value PhD course, Gothenburg, Sweden

Critical Heritage Studies in cooperation with The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology

Sep 16, 2013 - Sep 20, 2013, University of Gothenburg, The Ågren Residence