Deliang Chen one of the most cited researchers in the world
Deliang Chen, Professor of Physical Meteorology at the University of Gothenburg, Department of Earth Sciences, takes a place on Clarivate Analytics' list of the world's most cited researchers in 2023.
- Being on the list of the world's most cited researchers confirms that our research is among the best in the world, says Deliang Chen.
Citations of scientific articles are one way to measure a researcher's impact in the scientific community. Every year, Clarivate Analytics, the owner of Web of Science, lists the most cited researchers in the world. The analysis is based on data from the company's publication database over the past decade. Citations are not the only selection indicator. A preliminary list based on citation activity is refined using qualitative analysis and expert judgment.
World-leading climate scientist
Deliang Chen is a world-leading climate scientist, including being appointed as one of the coordinating lead authors of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His research includes Earth System Science and global environmental change, atmospheric circulation, climate dynamics and modeling.
Deliang Chen holds the August Röhss Chair in Geography and in 2021 he received HM the King's Medal, 8th size in the Order of the Seraphim, "for outstanding contributions to Swedish and international climate research".
He is the lead researcher of the international research program Third Pole Environment (TPE), which coordinates over 100 researchers around the world in interdisciplinary studies of the connections between the atmosphere, water, cryosphere, ecology and humanity in the third pole region. Between 2009 and 2012, Deliang Chen was Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU) in Paris, France.
His most cited paper is 'Using the Köppen classification to quantify climate variation and change: an example for 1901-2010', published in 2013 in the journal 'Environmental Development'.
The full Clarivate list of Highly Cited Researchers
Find out more about the methodology used by Clarivate to compile the list.