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FAQ Distance courses Department of Earth Sciences
Here you find frequently asked questions about our distance courses.
Here you find frequently asked questions about our distance courses.
Yes. NGN180 and NGN190 GIS courses, NGN235 Remote sensing course, and NG1610 Climate Change/People/Society course are all 100 % distance online courses. No physical meetings are required.
We use open courses and thus free software for all platforms (Linux, Windows, MAC).
Yes, both Windows computers and Macs work. QGIS ( is available for all platforms, although it seems to be simpler for Windows users.
Chromebooks do not work because you cannot install applications on these computers.
When it comes to computer performance, general advice applies. Newer computers with a lot of RAM (4+ GB), modern CPU and a fast SSD disk work better than older computers with less performance. However, these can still work, especially during these introductory courses.
If you want to run heavier analyzes and more comprehensive data, you can consider an upgrade in the long run. It is best to test the installation of QGIS and see if the program starts. You should expect about 10GB of hard disk space (a few GB for the program and a little margin for analysis and data).
GIS distance courses use only QGIS.
NGN180 GIS: yes online
NGN190 GIS II: no
NGN235 Remote Sensing: yes online
NG1610 Climate Change/People/Society course: no