Nordenskjöld Lectures
The Nordenskjöld Lectures are part of the Earth System Science seminar series where the most prominent researchers in the field are invited to lecture.
Earth System Science and Nordenskjöld lectures
The relationships between humanity, its environment and the Earth are considered as interlinked parts of the Earth System. Although Earth System Science (ESS) is a relatively new field studying the interactions among atmosphere, hydrosphere, solid earth, snow/ice, biosphere and human activity - it has provided the Earth and Environmental sciences with a powerful conceptual framework to carry out scientific research that is scientifically exciting and socially relevant.
Substantial research carried out at the Faculty of Science, University of Gothenburg, is embedded within this conceptual framework, either as focused study of specific components of the system or as integrated study of the interactions between several system components.
To honour the scientific contribution of Otto Nordenskjöld (1869-1928) - the Swedish polar researcher and Professor in Geography - the high-profile session of the ESS seminar series is named after him.
Lecture #17, 29 Maj 2024 11:15-12:15
Aiguo DAI: "The Cause and Impact of Arctic Amplification" (watch the lecture on GUPlay)
Lecture #16, 10 November 2022 15:00-16:00
Marc W Cadotte: "The importance of biodiversity in a human world"
Lecture # 15, 25 April 2022
Jianguo “Jack” Liu: "Systems Integration for Global Natural Climate Solutions"
Lecture #14, 18 September 2020
Bin Wang: "Monsoon climate change under global warming"
Lecture #13, 1 October 2018
L. Ruby Leung: "Global Warming and Extreme Events"
Lecture #12, 17 September 2018
Soroosh Sorooshian: "Climate Variability and The Global Hydrologic Cycle: Monitoring, Modeling, and Change Prediction"
Lecture #11, 13 September 2018
Fuqing Zhang: "How predictable are our daily weather and long-term climate change?"
Lecture #10, 11 November 2016
Fuqing Zhang: "Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition - Challenge's for leadership and education in Earth System Sciences"
Lecture #9, 31 October 2016
Gina Mills: "The hidden threat to global food security from ozone pollution"
Lecture #8, 28 September 2016
Donald D. Blankenship: "Antartica's great sub-ice basins: A natural wonder or a global threat?"
Lecture #7, 6 April 2016
Anders Omstedt: ""Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition: Challenge's for leadership and education in Earth System Sciences"
Lecture #6, 13 November 2015
Hans von Storch: "Recent climate change in the Baltic Sea region - manifestation, detection and attribution"
Lecture #5, 14 October 2015
Dr. Zhisheng An: "Asian monsoon-arid environment changes linked to global climate inferred from the continental environmental scientific drilling program in China"
Lecture #4, 15 September 2015
Dr. Georgia Destouni: "Hydro-climatic Change in Permafrost Regions"
Lecture #3, 21 August 2015
Dr. Tandong Yao: "Glacier melt on the Third Pole"
Lecture #2, 11 November 2014
Doug Benn: "Iceberg Calving for Glacier Models"
Lecture #1, 26 May 2014
Martin Visbeck: "Mankind and the sea: Our Common Future Ocean"