University of Gothenburg

Software download

The Göteborg Urban Climate Group has developed a number of different software which is freely available for download.

Most of the tools are available from of the Urban Multi-scale Environmental Predictor (UMEP), a comprehensive open source sensitive climate planning tool available as an plugin in QGIS.

Older tools 

All older software are written in MATLAB programming language and make use of a runtime engine called MCR (MATLAB Complier Runtime), which makes it possible to run MATLAB applications outside the MATLAB environment.

The MCR is deployed royaly-free and could be downloaded  from here.


The Solar LongWave Environmental Irrandiance Geometry model (SOLWEIG) simulates spatial variations of mean radiant temperature and 3D fluxes of longwave and shortwave radiation (Later versions are found in UMEP)

Setupfile for both SOLWEIG 2015a and SOLWEIG1D. 

DOWNLOAD (build 1: 2015-10-12, DEPRECATED, running with MCR 8.2 64-bit)

NB. One file is missing for SOLWEIG1D. Download this file (landcovercalles_2015a_1D.txt) and locate it in the same directory as the software itself.

Setupfile for both SOLWEIG 2014a and SOLWEIG1D.

DOWNLOAD (build 1: 2014-06-14), running with MCR 8.2 (64-bit)

SOLWEIG1D 1.0, running with MCR 7.16 (64-bit)

SOLWEIG1D 1.0 User-maunal (put in same folder as the application)

Hemispheric photo for testing



The Solar Energy from Existing Structures (SEES) simulates spatial variations of potential photovoltaic energy production on roof structures in urban areas. 

The SEES 1.2 Interface, running with MCR 7.16 (64-bit)

SEES 1.2 User manual


The software calculates sky view factor for digital hemispherical fish eye photos using a user-friendly Graphical User interface available for download in the download section.

SkyViewFactorCalculator 1.1 (build 3), compiled with R2019a (64-bit)

User manual Sky View Calculator (PDF) (Put in same folder as the application)

User manual_ Sky view Factor Calculator (pdf)