Reading list

Metod inom Globala studier

First cycle
15 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Autumn semester 2024 (2024-09-02)
Decision date


Bryman, Alan. (2016). Social research methods. (Fifth edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199689453 (approx. 700p)

Boréus, Kristina, (2017). Analyzing text and discourse: eight approaches for the social sciences, SAGE, London. ISBN: 9781473913745 (293p); E-Bok (2021): ISBN 9789130006410

Lamont, Christopher. (2021). Research methods in international relations. (Second edition.) Los Angeles: SAGE. ISBN: 9781529724677


Bucerius, Sandra Meike (2013) ‘Becoming a “Trusted Outsider”: Gender, Ethnicity, and Inequality in Ethnographic Research’, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 42(6), 690-721. (c. 31p)

Patico, Jennifer. (2018). Awkward sincerity and critical empathy: Encounters in “international marriage brokering” and feminist anthropology.” Critique of Anthropology 38(1):75-95.

Skjott Linneberg, Mai, and Steffen Korsgaard. 2019. “Coding Qualitative Data: A Synthesis Guiding the Novice.” Qualitative Research Journal 19 (3): 259–70.

Wackenhut, Arne F. (2018) ‘Ethical Considerations and Dilemmas Before, during and after Fieldwork in Less-Democratic Contexts: some Reflections from Post-Uprising Egypt’, The American Sociologist 49(2), 242-257. (c.15p)

Recommended readings

Brinkmann, Svend & Kvale, Steinar (2015). InterViews: learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing. 3., [updated] ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, ISBN: 9781452275727
Swedish Research Council, n.d. Ethics. At:

Swedish Research Council, 2017: Good Research Practice. At:

Winther Jørgensen, Marianne & Phillips, Louise (2002). Discourse analysis as theory and method. London: Sage, ISBN: 0761971114.