
Geografiska informationssystem (GIS) 1 - Introduktion för samhällsplanerare

First cycle
7.5 credits (ECTS)

About the Syllabus

Registration number
Date of entry into force
Decision date
Valid from semester
Spring term 2025
Decision maker
Department of Economy and Society

Course modules

Written exam, 4 Credits
GIS - exercises - basics, 2 Credits
GIS - exercises, basic visualization, 1.5 Credits


The course is given both as a stand-alone course and within a program. The course is a compulsory course on the Social Analysis Program in Economic History and Human Geography (S1SAP) and the Social Science Environmental Science Program (S1SMI) for those who choose to major in human geography within the framework of their program studies. The course is a continuation course in human geography and is compulsory for the degree

Entry requirements

Access to the course requires a minimum of 22.5 credits in human geography, geography or social geography.


This course contains two interconnected parts: one theoretical and one practical. The content of the theoretical part consists of lectures and literature studies that concentrate on basic theories, concepts and methods within GIS. The practical part includes a number of computer-based exercises which provide a basic introduction to GIS software. In the computer-based exercises, the student also gets training in working practically with selected theories, concepts and methods that are introduced in the first part.


Knowledge and understanding

1. outline basic theories and concepts within GIS

2. describe different methods for geographic analysis and visualization

Skills and Abilities

3. how to use GIS software

4. identify different choices in the use of GIS software to apply basic geographic analysis and visualization

Sustainability labelling

The course is sustainability-related, which means that at least one of the learning outcomes clearly shows that the course content meets at least one of the University of Gothenburg's confirmed sustainability criteria.

Form of teaching

Lectures, literature studies and computer-based exercises.

Examination formats

The learning objectives are examined partly through classroom exams and through computer-based exercises. If a student who has failed twice on the same examination part wishes to change the examiner before the next examination, such a request should be submitted in writing to the department and must be approved unless there are special reasons to the contrary (HF ch. 6 § 22).

If the student has received a recommendation from the University of Gothenburg for special pedagogical support, the examiner can, in the event that it is compatible with the course's goals and provided that unreasonable resources are not required, decide to give the student an adapted examination or an alternative form of examination.

In the event that a course has ceased or undergone major changes, the student must be guaranteed at least three examination opportunities (including regular examination opportunities) for a period of at least one year, but no longer than two years after the course has ceased/changed. As far as internships and business-based training are concerned, the same applies, but with a limitation to only one additional examination opportunity.


The course is given one of the grades Excellent (A), Very good (B), Good (C), Satisfactory (D), Sufficient (E) and Fail (F). In order to receive a passing grade (A-E) on the course, a passing result is required on both the exam as in the practical exercises. The grade for the course as a whole is entered relation to established grading scale

Course evaluation

Course evaluation is carried out at the end of the course. The result and any changes in the course structure is communicated both to the students who completed the assessment and to the students who will start the course.

Other regulations

The course uses a virtual learning platform for digital communication (Canvas) between teachers and course participants. Access to a computer and internet is therefore required. The course is computer-based, therefore basic computer skills are assumed. For resource reasons, tutoring is limited to the course session the student started his studies. Upon re-registration, the right to supervision expires and the student must therefore work independently to complete remaining examination elements. The course may not be included in the degree together with the courses KGG120, KGG131, GE0400 or KGG210