Illustration of big piles of books

Book Discovery at Humanisten

Culture and languages
Popular science

Are you interested in hearing about Gothenburg as depicted in film, how people talk in Gothenburg, who corresponded with Selma Lagerlöf, Swedish refugee policy during the Second World War, or maybe the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest? Then you should come to our Book Discovery at Humanisten!

Open house
21 Sep 2022
15:00 - 17:30
The stair, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

In the lead-up to the Book Fair you can hear about these topics and more at our Book Discover event (Bokupptäckning in Swedish), where some of our researchers will be presenting their latest published books.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask the authors questions and buy their books at a common book table.

Program will be published here soon.

Exchange books: From 19 September and throughout the entire Book Fair week, there will be bookshelves located in the Main entrance of Humanisten.