Cell-free protein synthesis workshop
The Swedish NMR Centre will host a workshop on cell-free protein synthesis, with special focus on applications in NMR spectroscopy.
The Swedish NMR Centre will host a workshop on cell-free protein synthesis, with special focus on applications in NMR spectroscopy.
The Swedish NMR Centre will once again give a workshop on cell-free protein synthesis.
The workshop will entail both lectures and practical wet lab work. The idea is that participants nring their own plasmid construct for expression, with possible isotope labelling to judge the outcome with 2D NMR. The intended target group is graduate students and postdocs with preference for those with NMR-related projects.
The workshop is a part of the SwedNMR (www.swednmr.se) and Protein Production Sweden (pps.gu.se/en) infrastructures outreach programs.
Interested? Contact either Anders Bay Nord (anders.bay.nord at nmr.gu.se) or Ashish Kawale (ashish.kawale at gu.se) for more info and registration. Participant slots will be limited.