Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar - Thors Hans Hansson

Science and Information Technology

This is part of a virtual seminar series in theoretical condensed matter and atomic physics, with the aim to connect researchers working at different Nordic universities. The talks are informal and meant to inspire discussions and interactions. First up is Thors Hans Hansson from Stockholm University.

27 Sep 2021
16:15 - 17:15
Digitally via Zoom

Thors Hans Hansson: Composite Boson theory: mean field approximation, conformal correlators and Quantum Hall wave functions


After a short prelude on the recent experimental results on fractional statistics in the 𝜈=1/3 Quantum Hall fluid, I will present some recent results in composite boson theory. The first part is on an extension of the theory that allows for an interpolation between the physical theory, and a model where the mean field approximation can be convincingly justified. The second is about a method to use the the mean field composite boson theory to  derive abelian QH wave functions directly in terms of correlators in a conformal field theory, and in particular I will explain how this helps us to understand the origin of orbital spin.

The seminar is held digitally via Zoom


Read more about the seminar series

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar