
Echoes of the Future: An AI Exhibition

Culture and languages

Echoes of the Future: An AI Exhibition is a graduation exhibition hosted by students at the Bachelor's programme Media, aesthetics and cultural entrepreneurship, on the course MEK600. The exhibitions aims to portray dilemmas & future scenarios around Artificial Intelligence! It consists of five smaller exhibitions, all of which have different approaches to AI.

Open house
29 May 2024
30 May 2024
12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 16:00

Department of Cultural Sciences, Students on MEK600

The students at MEK600 provide the following description of the exhibition:

Welcome to see a disjointed, but coherent, exhibition about dystopia and utopia, emotions and consciousness, humanity and non-humanity, deep-fakes, and shifting interactions with AI. 

The exhibition brings together physical materials and techniques - painting, AI-generated images, film and auditory, with multisensory elements - which are linked to the theme of artificial intelligence.

The exhibition will be situated in rooms J403, J404, J405, J406, and J444 at Humanisten. During the event, a panel discussion is also organized, due to take place on Wednesday, May 29 at 17:00 in Trappan at Humanisten. Please note that the panel discussion previously announced for May 30 at 12:30 has been cancelled.

See also

Facebook event: Echoes of the Future: An AI Exhibition

Poster för evenemanget Echoes of the Future: An AI Exhibition