Humanistens fasad i april
Photo: Monica Havström

Financial Ethics Workshop

Culture and languages
Society and economy

The Financial Ethics Research Group at the University of Gothenburg invites you to an interdisciplinary in-person workshop for international researchers. Welcome to the seminars!

2 Jun 2023 - 3 Jun 2023
Room J330, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Good to know
Participation is free of charge but requires registration. Please contact Tadhg Ó Laoghaire for more information.

Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

The workshop brings together philosophers and philosophically-minded academics from associated disciplines (e.g. finance, political science, economics, sustainability) working on questions of financial ethics. The topic should be understood broadly to include all kinds of ethical or political issues raised by money and finance – including areas such as sustainable finance, socially responsible investing, the ethics of debt, financial fraud, microfinance and global justice, the politics of central banking, and the philosophy of monetary systems.

Invited speakers:

John Broome (Oxford)
Peter Dietsch (University of Victoria)

Lisa Warenski (University of Connecticut/CUNY Graduate Center)
Kate Padgett-Walsh (Iowa State)
Alexander Douglas (St. Andrews)
Boudewijn de Bruin (University of Groningen/Gothenburg)


Friday, 2 June

10:45-11:30     Alex Douglas – A Policy of No Interest: The 0% Interest Rate and the Evils of Capitalism

11:30-12:30     Lunch

12:30-13:00     Valerie Schreur – Just Differentiation between Businesses in State Sponsored Business Loans

13:00-13:30     Cristian Dimitriu – Wealth Tax: A Procedural Justification

13:30-14:00     Fausto Corvino – The Compound Injustice of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

14:00-14:30     Break/Fika

14:30-15:00     Anne Kervers – Common Ground on Money Creation to Establish its Link with Climate Change Mitigation

15:00-15:30     Samuel Kazen – The Organization, Means and Ends of the Ideal Central Bank

15:30-16:00     Mattias Brinkmann – What, if Anything, is Morally Wrong with Inflation?

16:00-17:00     Break

17:00-18:00     John Broome – Borrow to Decarbonize

Saturday, 3 June

09:15-10:00     Coffee

10:00-10:45     Lisa Warenski – Epistemic Virtue in Financial Institutions. Yes. But How?

10:45-11:30     Boudewijn de Bruin – Finance and the Climate Emergency: Seven Questions

11:30-12:30     Lunch

12:30-13:00     Carl Sandstrom – Fiduciary Duty: Developing a Morally Worthy Account of an         Economic      Agent’s Duties to Stakeholder

13:00-13:30     Espen Dyrnes Stabell – The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics and the Problem of External Constraints

13:30-14:00     Francisco Garcia-Gibson – Positive Corporate Climate Lobbying: Undemocratic, but Life-Saving

14:00-14:30     Break/Fika

14:30-15:00     Helen Mussell – Advancing a Relational Ethics Framework for Socially Responsible Investing

15:00-15:30     Paul Forrester – ESG, Investment Management Companies and the Publicization of Regulation

15:30-16:00     Mattias Gunnemyr – Divestment and Collective Harms

16:00-17:00     Break

17:00-18:00     Peter Dietsch – The Climate Risks of Broad Money

Link to the web page: Financial Ethics Research Group

Financial Ethics Research Group
Photo: Monica Havström