Flateyjarbók (Codex Flateyensis) GKS 1005 fol, skriven i slutet av 1300-talet. ​Publicerat med tillstånd från Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Island.

Focus on new doctoral theses in medieval studies

Culture and languages
Popular science

The Medieval Comittee at the University of Gothenburg has the pleasure of inviting you to a half day seminar on new doctoral theses in medieval studies.

10 Apr 2025
13:15 - 17:00
Plats: sal J444, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6.

Good to know
It is possible to follow the seminar digitally. Please contact Auður Magnúsdóttir for the link (


13.15­–13.50: Tonicha Upham: Rūs Gender in Islamicate Sources: The Transmission of Geographical and Historical Ideas on the North in Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman Turkish between the Third and Eleventh Centuries AH/Ninth and Seventeenth Centuries AD. Århus universitet, 2023

13.50–14.30: Manu Braithwaite-Westoby: Space and Movement in Old Norse Myth.University of Sydney, 2023


14.40–15.20 Anton Larsson: Landslide Archaeology: Past hazards and disasters in the Göta River Valley and beyond.Stockholms universitet, 2023

Coffe: 20 min

15.40–16.20: Denis Sukhino-Khomenko: Thegns Around the North Sea: Elite, Nobility, Aristocracy of the Late Viking Age.Göteborgs universitet 2024

16.20–17.00: Jules Piet: The self-made gods: Euhemerism in the works of Saxo Grammaticus and Snorri Sturluson. 
Háskóli Íslands och Université de Strasbourg 2023

Efter seminariet bjuder Medeltidskommittén på mingel!

Open to the public! Welcome!