
Learning about Person-Centred Care in Higher Education Conference

Health and medicine
Education and learning

The aim of the conference is to advance person centred approaches in healthcare education. You can expect dissemination of research, exploration of pedagogical approaches and in-depth discussions. We champion best practices and highlight the vital roles of educational institutions in promoting health and well-being through students’ learning of person-centredness in higher education.

12 Dec 2024 - 13 Dec 2024
Wallenberg Conference Centre, Medicinaregatan 20A Göteborg
Yes, see web site.
Additional info
Conference Web site

Good to know
The conference starts with lunch at 12:00 noon on 12 December, and ends at 15:00 on 13 December.
University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care GPCC, University of Hull, Sahlgrenska Academy Student Union of Gothenburg University, and ENNA - the European Network of Nursing Academies.