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Photo: Axel Svensson

Lecture: Axel and Arne Svensson - two generations of Gothenburg images 1898-1960

Culture and languages

Amateur photographers, father and son, Axel and Arne Svensson have left behind an extensive archive of photographic negatives from the late 19th century to the early 1960s.

16 Nov 2023
18:30 - 19:15
Hörsalen, Arkivgatan 9, Göteborgs
Registration deadline
16 November 2023

Good to know
Mandatory seat reservation. You can book your ticket by emailing your name to no later than 12.00 on the day of the lecture.
GPS400: Centre for Collaborative Visual Research, Swedish National Archives, HDK-Valand
Registration is closed.

In the autumn, the Swedish National Archives will host an exhibition of hundreds of photographs that can tell us about the development of Gothenburg during the time period, but other perspectives can also be found in such an abundant photo archive.

Lecture by Karl-Magnus Johansson, Swedish National Archives, Niclas Östlind, HDK-Valand and Mats Jönsson, University of Gothenburg, who have worked together on the exhibition.

The lecture will be in Swedish.