A person is standing by the water holding a green plant
The invasive plant water hyacinth in Lake Victoria, Kenya, was an important trigger for the research work. Photo: Helena Hansson, 2011
Photo: Helena Hansson, 2011

Public defence, design: Helena Hansson

Culture and languages

Helena Hansson, Design, HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg: Designing Together-a Frugal Design Approach. Exploring Participatory Design in a Global North South Cooperation Context (Sweden-Kenya)

8 Oct 2021
10:00 - 12:00
Additional info
To Gupea

Good to know
Helena Hansson's public defense takes place as a webinar (link above), but it is possible to physically attend and see the dissertation on screen in Stora Hörsalen, HDK-Valand, Kristinelundsgatan 4-6, Gothenburg. There is also the opportunity to ask questions to Helena after the members of the grading committee has asked their questions.

Since the turn of the millennium, participatory designers have increasingly begun to engage in collaborative research processes in the so-called Global South, targeting sustainable development. The quest is to take on the larger challenges through cooperative work, and such a design process is here referred to as Global North-South cooperation. This research explores how participatory design and designers can contribute to sustainable development targeting the UN’s SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. The work has been executed in cooperation with multiple actors where participants from a local community of practice in Kenya, Jua Kali, have played a prominent role.


Dr Yongqi Lou, professor, Tongji University, Shanghai

Exam Board:

Dr. Mugendi K. M’Rithaa, designer, professor, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Sydafrika

Dr Maria Jose Zapata Campos, professor, Göteborgs forskningsinstitut, GRI, Göteborgs universitet

Henrietta Palmer, designer, forskare, tidigare konstnärlig professor vid Chalmers tekniska universitet

Chair: Professor Elena Raviola, HDK-Valand

Supervisors: Professor Maria Nyström Reuterswärd och professor emerita Lisbeth Svengren Holm.

The thesis will be available in full text as pdf in GUPEA from 17 September, as well as in print.

The public defense will be held in English.