Portrait of the participants
The three Russian participants in the seminar: Konstantin Eggert (to the left), Andrey Arkhangelsky (top right) and Andrei Richter (bottom right).

Russian journalists in self-exile

Society and economy

Welcome to a seminar that debates Russian journalism during the Ukraine war. Coffee will be served at 08.00-08.30 before the seminar.

26 Apr 2023
08:30 - 10:00
Registration deadline
21 April 2023

Andrei Richter, Professor, researcher at Dep of Journalism, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia. Former director of the OSCE Office of the Repr on Freedom of the Media, former head of the Dep. at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University.
Konstantin Eggert, a Baltic States correspondent and weekly columnist on Russian affairs for Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster. Former program host and political commentator for TV Rain, 2016-2018.
Andrey Arkhangelsky, Russian journalist, columnist, and culture expert who left Russia 2022. He is now working in Berlin as freelancer for different European media i.e Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty RFE/RL and takes part in the project Bild on Russian.
The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, JMG, University of Gothenburg
Registration is closed.

Over the past year, the government of the Russian Federation has established a legal and political climate that makes it impossible for independent journalists and media to report on political and social developments in their country without fear of reprisal.

As a result of the ongoing oppression, all significant and politically influential independent news media have folded, while professional journalists and other media actors have either stopped reporting on the sensitive issues or put themselves in exile abroad, such as in the Baltic states, in other Eastern countries and Central Europe.

The following themes will be highlighted:

  • What happens to independent Russian journalists and media?
  • How do the journalists who left Russia fulfill their professional tasks? What is the meaning of their jobs now?
  • The Russian media audience: what is the biggest challenge?
  • How does the Russian propaganda machine work and would it be possible to resist the state propaganda?
  • The end of media freedom in Russia?

Moderator: Elena Johansson.

Please note that the seminar will be held in English.