R/V Skagerak
R/V Skagerak ready to take off - maybe with you onboard.
Photo: Agnes Faxén

Science Festival: R/V Skagerak by night

Sustainability and environment
Science and Information Technology

Now you have a unique opportunity to go on a short voyage on board the University of Gothenburg's high-tech research vessel R/V Skagerak during the International Science Festival. Read more about how to apply below.

5 Apr 2025
17:00 - 18:00
Number of seats
Registration deadline
27 March 2025

Good to know
To win a place for you and a friend, fill in the form. If you are under 18 at the time of the tour, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The last day for entries is 27 March. Winners will be notified one week before the R/V Skagerak Night.
The International Science Festival in co-operation with R/V Skagerak, Department of Marine Sciences
R/V Skagerak
Skagerak is a high-tech research vessel.
Photo: Agnes Faxén

Aboard the ship, you will get an exclusive glimpse of what it is like to be a marine scientist on board one of Sweden's most high-tech research vessels, which often travels to Svalbard, Iceland and Greenland. The aim is to take the temperature of Gothenburg harbour. Have measures to improve the environment in this once heavily polluted area paid off?

Exciting sampling

During the cruise, we will use the large CTD rosette, one of the most important instruments on board. The instrument can be lowered to depths of up to 4000 metres and measure conductivity, temperature and depth to gain a better understanding of a particular area of the ocean. In this case, we will not be going down to such depths, but it will still be a way to get a snapshot of Gothenburg harbour.
We may also take some kind of sediment sample. The layers in the sediment act as a time archive, which can be very revealing about how the harbour has developed.
On board will be the captain, the crew and a researcher who will tell us what the samples show and what the future of marine research looks like - what questions will we be able to answer in the future, perhaps with the help of artificial intelligence?

Win a place on board

The R/V Skagerak cruise is an exclusive opportunity to take part in marine sampling and see what life is like on a state-of-the-art research vessel. We have a limited number of places available.