
Seminarium om kondenserade materiens fysik - Berislav Buca

Science and Information Technology

This is part of a virtual seminar series in theoretical condensed matter and atomic physics, with the aim to connect researchers working at different Nordic universities.

17 Mar 2023
13:15 - 14:15
Digitally via Zoom

Unified theory of local quantum many-body dynamics: Eigenoperator thermalization theorems


I will provide a rigorous operator algebraic framework of dynamics in locally interacting systems in any dimension. It is based on pseudolocal dynamical symmetries generalising pseudolocal charges. This generalization proves sufficient to construct a theory of all sufficiently local quantum many-body dynamics in closed, open and time-dependent systems, in terms of time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensembles. These ensembles unify seemingly disparate manifestations of quantum non-ergodic dynamics including quantum many-body scars, continuous, discrete and dissipative time crystals, Hilbert space fragmentation, lattice gauge theories, and disorder-free localization. In the process novel pseudo-local classes of operators are introduced: "restricted local", which are local only for some states, and "crypto-local", whose locality is not manifest in terms of any finite number of local densities. This proven theory is intuitively the rigorous algebraic counterpart of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and has implications for thermodynamics: quantum many-body systems, rather than merely reaching a Gibbs ensemble in the long-time limit, are always in a time-dependent generalized Gibbs ensemble for any natural initial state.  References: Berislav Buca. Unified theory of local quantum many-body dynamics: Eigenoperator thermalization theorems. arXiv:2301.07091 (2023). Benjamin Doyon. Thermalization and pseudolocality in extended quantum systems. Commun. Math. Phys. 351: 155-200 (2017).

The seminar is held digitally via Zoom


Read more about the seminar series

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar