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Photo: Julia Sjöberg

Theoretical Physics Seminar – John Chalker

Science and Information Technology

This is part of a seminar series for students and researchers interested in theoretical physics and applied mathematics. Listen to John Chalker from University of Oxford during the seminar "Many-body quantum chaos: insights from random quantum circuits".

12 May 2022
15:15 - 16:15
PJ lecture room, Department of Physics, Kemigården 1, Gothenburg and digitally via Zoom

John Chalker: Many-body quantum chaos: insights from random quantum circuits


I will give an overview of recent work on quantum dynamics in many-body systems that uses a class of minimal models known as random quantum circuits. This work is concerned with behaviour in quantum systems that are generic, in the sense of having few or no local conservation laws, and are in a highly excited state, so that there is no simple quasiparticle description. While research in this area began many decades ago with the study of spectra in nuclear physics, interesting new insights have come in the past few years from considering these minimal models for spatially extended systems and from examining the dynamics of quantum information.

The seminar is held digitally via Zoom

The seminar is held digitally via Zoom, but it is also possible to listen to the seminar together in the PJ lecture room.

Location: PJ lecture room, Department of Physics, Kemigården 1, Gothenburg

Read more about the seminar series

Theoretical Physics Seminar