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Photo: Julia Sjöberg

Theoretical Physics Seminar - Sergej Moroz

Science and Information Technology

This is part of a seminar series for students and researchers interested in theoretical physics and applied mathematics. Sergej Moroz from Karlstad University will give a seminar titled "Ising gauge theory coupled to quantum matter: Exotic phase transition and SPT order".

15 Dec 2022
15:45 - 16:45
PJ Lecture hall and via Zoom
Additional info
Seminar Zoom link

Ising gauge theory coupled to quantum matter: Exotic phase transition and SPT order


After an introduction in the field of lattice gauge theories, I will discuss two surprising phenomena emerging from the interplay of dynamical discrete Ising gauge fields and quantum matter. First, I will talk about an exotic two-dimensional phase transition between the deconfined Dirac semimetal and the confined charge density wave. Second, I will explain how the Higgs phase, where matter condenses, exhibits symmetry-protected topological order. In the presence of an edge, this allows to distinguish sharply the confined and Higgs regimes.

The seminar is held in hybrid form

Participate on campus or via Zoom.

On campus: PJ lecture hall
Zoom link:

Read more about the seminar series

Theoretical Physics Seminar