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Photo: Julia Sjöberg

Theoretical Physics Seminar - Stellan Östlund

Science and Information Technology
Popular science

This is part of a seminar series for students and researchers interested in theoretical physics and applied mathematics. Listen to Stellan Östlund from the University of Gothenburg during the seminar "A semipopular seminar on Bells theorem and quantum reality".

23 Feb 2023
15:15 - 16:15
PJ-salen samt via Zoom


This is a semipopular talk intended to convey my confusion about reality and quantum theory.  I will present the subject in the spirit of David Mermins's Physics Today article from 1985: "Is the moon there when nobody looks?"  I will also discuss the GHZ paradox. I will have nothing to say about more esoteric ideas, like Schrödingers cat, many worlds interpretation.  The talk is intended to provide a background to the 1994 lecture by Sidney Coleman called "Quantum Mechanics in your face" which those who are interested can watch together  the following day.

The seminar is held in hybrid form

Participate on campus or via Zoom.

On campus: PJ lecture hall
Zoom link:

Read more about the seminar series

Theoretical Physics Seminar