R/V Skagerak
R/V Skagerak in Island.
Photo: Göteborgs universitet

To the glaciers of Iceland on board the R/V Skagerak

Sustainability and environment
Science and Information Technology
Popular science

What do melting glaciers tell us about the future climate? Professor Isaac Santos from the University of Gothenburg talks about his expedition to Iceland's mighty Vatnajökull.

4 Apr 2025
12:30 - 13:30

Isaac Santos. Professor of Marine Chemistry, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Agnes Faxén. Moderator/Communications officer, University of Gothenburg
International Science Festival

On board the research vessel R/V Skagerak, scientist Isaac Santos' team has been investigating how meltwater affects ocean chemistry and can accelerate ocean acidification.

Through careful measurements, both at sea and on land, we will gain insight into how carbon and nutrients are spread and what it means for the ecosystem of the future. Welcome to an inspiring talk about the dramatic changes in the Arctic – and how they affect us all.

Isaac Santos
Isaac Santos on board the R/V Skagerak.
Photo: Agnes Faxén