The palette of material possibilities in wood, metal and textile create infinite juxtapositions, their surface qualities provoking harmony and dissonance.
This selection of exam works from HDK-Valand Campus Steneby is an exploration of how craft-based approaches invoke ways material knowledge sets the tone for how we can understand the struggles facing the world today. As the craftspersons and designers’ decisions are increasingly loaded by ethical and political questions of material choice and aesthetic expression, finding the right tone has never been more important. Amid the confusion of today’s times, the next generation of designers’ work show contrasting expressions and the occasional feeling of harmony.
MFA Programme in Applied Art and Design
Specialization Metal Art:
Coralie Bergese, Daniel Freyne, Chrisse Kuisma Karlsson, Urmo Teekivi
Specialization Wood Oriented Furniture Design:
Lu Banchao, Lukas Lorey, Leonardo Perina
Specialization Textile–Body–Space:
Karin Bäckström, Studio, Murkla (Hannah Jevelind & Charlotte Ewing)
BFA Programmes
Metal Art:
Martin Augustsson, Ciro Bright, Matthias Kuehn, Miriam Stålgren, Frida Svensson
Wood Oriented Furniture Design:
Tomas Björk, Måns Hallberg, Emelie Sjöberg, Karl Ekdahl, Joakim Rydholm, Måns Abrahamsson, Martin Lysfoss, Felix Olofsson, Hannes Blixt
Genevieve Manbre, Moira Nilsson, Elise Ma-ku Westin
HDK-Valands samlingssida för samtliga examensevenememang.
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