Writing during your academic career + PhD café
A workshop for doctoral students at the University of Gothenburg
A workshop for doctoral students at the University of Gothenburg
ASK offers a variety of services for doctoral writers related to academic language use; at this workshop we will first open a reflective discussion on academic writing for the doctoral researcher, then explain in detail the various services offered to those in doctoral positions at GU. Connectedly, some introductory strategies for planning, starting, and digging into doctoral writing will be presented alongside interactive writing exercises and general writing models.
Workshop leader:
Richard La Bontee, English Language Advisor at the Unit for Academic Language
After the workshop, "competitive" doctoral students are invited to join the Board Game Fika in the main hall of Studenternas Hus from 17:30 to 19:00. This informal gathering is a great way to meet fellow doctoral students, and connect with other international students over some light refreshments and a variety of board games. Whether you're an avid board game enthusiast or just looking to meet new people, this event offers something for everyone!
This event is a part of the project "Cultivating Personal Resilience & Well-being: A Support Program for PhDs’ Careers in Academia".
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme within the framework of the ERA TALENT Project funded under grant agreement No 101103476
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